Tips for Keeping Pet Geese

Geese can be challenging to keep as pets. Geese can be very friendly and sweet but they can also be mean and defensive. A mad goose will attack a dog, cat or your best friend. Geese have a temper especially when they are protecting their young goslings. Goslings are baby geese and the parents of the goslings are very protective.

Geese like to be with a flock of geese. Geese do not like to be alone but a lone goose is easier to make a pet out of then a goose in a flock. A lone goose will follow you around as you are out and about doing your outside chores. A goose can be happy with some ducks but they are happier with other geese.

Domestic geese can’t fly well. A goose that flies too much for you can have there wings clipped. You just need to catch the goose and take a scissors and clip off the end of the wing feathers. Just clip the wing feathers close to the gooses wing so that the goose can’t fly. You may need to clip the feathers of the goose’s wing twice a year to keep the goose from flying.

To catch the goose you can run around the yard after it until you or the goose gets tired. Or you can just wait until it is night time and go up the where the goose is roosting and grab the goose. As you grab the goose make sure you have the gooses wings pinned to the sides of the goose or the goose could hurt you with flapping wings. Geese have powerful wings that can hurt when they hit you. Geese are powerful birds and they can flap their wings hard. Stay clear of a gooses flapping wings.

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Geese should be kept indoors at night to prevent predators from hurting the geese. When you first get your geese keep the geese in the enclosure inside for a few days and then you can let the geese out during the daytime. Make sure the geese have food and water inside the enclosure. Once night starts to fall the geese will go back into the goose house to sleep every night themselves.

Geese like to have a pond. Swimming makes them happy. You can use a child’s wading pool if you don’t have any other water for your geese so swim in. You will have the change the water every once in awhile to keep the water clean.

Geese can be kept with other fowl like chickens and ducks but you may have to keep an eye out for aggression that the geese could develop.

Geese can be fun to have. You can take a gosling and raise it by hand and that gosling will grow up to trust and love you. You can make a good friend of a goose that you spend time with. To read more about geese you can go on the net to
