Tips for Improving Concentration

Do you find it difficult to concentrate on any given task? Are you unsure on how to go about in improving your concentration? To help understand some causes of poor concentration and how you can improve your concentration, I have interviewed psychologist Dr. Keith Kaufman.

Tell me a little bit about yourself.
“I am a licensed clinical psychologist, who completed my Ph.D. training at Catholic University. Although I have many different interests in the field, two particular foci I have developed are sport psychology and weight management. I currently have two offices in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. One office is located in the Dupont Circle neighborhood of the District and is a part of Parkhurst Associates, and the other is in Springfield, VA and is a part of the Virginia Heart Comprehensive Weight Management Institute. Additionally, I have a position as a Research Associate in Catholic University’s Psychology Department, where I teach and do research in sport psychology.”

What are some causes of poor concentration?
It appears that appropriate attention and concentration are crucial for successful performance, whether in sports, academics, public speaking, or any other domain. Although we do not always think of it this way, a lot has to go right for us to have proper focus and to sustain it for any length of time. Distractions are everywhere, both inside the mind (e.g., worry and anxiety) and in the outside environment (e.g., noises and visual cues), which our minds love to feast on, and we somehow have to let that all go and stay tuned into the present moment. It truly is a complicated process, and difficult to do without awareness and mental training. Conditions like ADHD can make this process even more challenging for some individuals.”

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What type of impact can poor concentration have on someone’s overall life?
“Any time that we are not tuned into the present moment, we are missing that moment. It is sometimes referred to as living on “autopilot.” Individuals who undergo concentration training can find that their lives are enriched just by being more tuned in to what is happening. As alluded to above, poor concentration can also be a major impediment to successful performance. For instance, in sports, it is extremely difficult to execute a skill correctly, which often requires incredible precision, when one is not paying attention. Tuning out in sports has also been linked to increased injury risk because of insufficient awareness of the environment and/or the body.”

How can someone improve his or her concentration?
“The good news is that psychologists have lots of techniques they can use to help with concentration training. Some popular examples include meditation exercises, relaxation training, self-talk, and thought stopping. Although it is far more difficult than it sounds, I think a crucial skill is being able to slow down enough to tune into whatever is happening in a given moment. My research team at Catholic University has been working on a new mindfulness-based approach to sport performance enhancement, which might have exciting implications for concentration training with athletes.

What type of professional help is available for someone who is feeling frustrated because they have difficulty concentrating?
Mental health professionals can certainly help with improving concentration. For instance, psychologists can utilize some of the therapy techniques I mentioned above and/or, when appropriate, psychiatrists can prescribe medications that may be beneficial. I am a big believer in meditation-based techniques, so activities like yoga might also be helpful for some individuals. Although concentration can be difficult to master, there are many resources available, if someone is willing to work at it.”

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Thank you Dr. Keith Kaufman for doing the interview on improving concentration. For more information on Dr. Keith Kaufman or his work you can check out his website on

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