Tips for How to Make a Crazy Quilt

Crazy quilts are not only some of the most fun and beautiful quilts to look at, but their free-form design also means that they can be some of the most fun quilts to make. Here are some quick tips and instructions for how to make a crazy quilt of your own to get you started.

The basic construction of a crazy quilt is small pieces of fabric sewn in a random pattern onto a larger, solid piece of foundation fabric. Crazy quilts are often made of luxurious fabrics like velvets and satins, although when you are making your own you can choose any fabric you would like or happen to have on hand. Another defining characteristic of crazy quilts is that the seams are almost always covered with decorative stitches or embroidery.

To start making your own crazy quilt you will need a pile of fabric scraps and some plain muslin fabric for the backing. Start by cutting out 12″ x 12″ squares of muslin to form the foundation for each of your blocks. If you prefer a different sized quilt block simply cut the muslin squares to the size you need.

Start with one square of muslin and some scraps of fabric. Place one fabric scrap right-side-up on the muslin. Take a second fabric scrap and place it face down on top of the first with one edge lining up. Stitch through all 3 pieces of fabric – the two scraps and the muslin – along the edge that you matched up. Then flip the piece of fabric you laid face down back away from the seam you just made so that it is right side up. You should have a nice seam between the two pieces of fabric along the edge. Where they met.

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Continue by taking another fabric scrap, laying it face down on top of the two pieces you just sewed to the muslin, lining up one edge over both previous scraps. Again, stitch along this edge through all of the pieces of fabric and when you are done flip the face down fabric right side up. Continue in the manner adding new scraps of fabric until you have covered the entire piece of muslin.

Next, you will want to add decorative stitching or embroidery to the seams between the scraps of fabric. Herringbone stitch, blanket stitch and chain stitch are all popular choices, though you can use any stitch you like. Mix up the stitches and try doing a different one for each seam to add even more interest. If you want you can also use different colors of thread for your stitching. The best part about crazy quilts is that anything goes!

Once you have completed all of your blocks that you need for your project, sew them all together to form the top of your quilt. Then, sew them to a large solid piece of fabric to make the back of the quilt. The easiest way to do this is to put the two pieces of fabric (your quilt block top and the backing fabric) with wrong sides together and sew binding around the outside edge of the quilt. Crazy quilts usually don’t have batting.

The most important thing to keep in mind when you are making a crazy quilt is that anything goes and you are only limited by your imagination and the fabric you have on hand. Play around with it and have fun!