Tips for Hanging Wall Mirrors in a Living Room

Mirrors are the most versatile wall hangings available. They are reflective works of art that have the capability to visually change the size and dimensions of a living room. The images they reflect are ever changing, and they can be used in rooms of just about any style from abstract to French country. Proper hanging can make a tremendous difference in how they reflect areas of a living room, and they can either make or break the decorating scheme.

I have always loved large wall mirrors. My grandmother and mother both had a living room mirror the size of a picture window. Not only did the mirrors provide a place to check appearance, but they added considerable beauty to the space. The mirrors seemed like a traditional part of the decorating scheme, but their purpose went well beyond ordinary decor. Proper hanging was the key to their classic beauty and amazing style.

Hanging Wall Mirrors at the Proper Height

Imagine looking into the bottom portion of a wall mirror. It would not look right if it appeared too high, but it might also appear too low. People vary greatly in height, but when hanging wall mirrors they should be positioned according to average eye level. Hang mirrors with the centers approximately five feet from the floor and they will look appropriately placed to most people.

How to Add Visual Size to the Living Room

Hanging mirrors in a small living room can visually increase the size of the space. They will reflect and multiply open areas, lines and angles. Hanging large mirrors can add visual dimension too. When trying to increase the visual length of a room, consider hanging large mirrors on a narrow wall. To expand the width, mount a single large mirror or a grouping of mirrors on the longer wall. They can make a tremendous difference. They have the power to make a small space look and feel much more open than it truly is.

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My mother’s large mirror is mounted above her living room sofa. The wall above the sofa is the only available space for a large mirror since the living room is open to the dining room and the foyer. The third wall is taken up by a large picture window. The sofa faces the foyer, and when gazing into the living room from the entryway, the area appears much more spacious than it really is. Even though it was the only spot available for the mirror, it was the perfect spot.

Hanging Wall Mirrors to Make a Living Room Brighter

Would you like your living room to appear brighter? My living room is naturally dark because of a spacious overhang. Hanging two large mirrors across from my picture window solved the problem. The mirrors multiply the natural light from the only window, and they look fantastic. I can see reflections of the sky while I sitting on the sofa, and the room looks and feels as if it was magically brought to life.

Source: Personal and Professional Home Design and Decorating Experience