How to Make Your Own Abstract Art with Paint

Abstract art can be rather non objective through the eyes of the artist and the viewers of the art piece. Abstract art can be paintings, clay sculptures, wood sculpture, stone carvings or basically with any object that the artist wants to use. There are cultures, such as the Islamic culture, who do not allow depictions of humans in any form when it comes to art pieces.

With today’s high-tech society, anyone can create their own abstract art. Abstract art pieces can be made with digital photography photos with the aide of Photoshop, with the use of digital cameras and the videos being uploaded to sites such as uTube and Associated Content, and even with the use of paint.

Steps in Creating Abstracts in Paint

You can create abstract art in paint as a way to help relieve your stress, illustrate images for photo content for sites, using your mood to help with ridding yourself of negative vibes or even for pure fun and enjoyment.

You will need to open your paint software to create your abstract art.

You will find the drawing tools on the upper left hand corner of the paint pad. You can use these to create your abstract art.

Drawing Tool Icons

You will need to click on each of the icons in each of the left and right-hand rows to use them.

Left-hand Row

Eraser Icon. The eraser can be used to erase any part of the abstract art objects that you have placed in the drawing box.
Eye Dropper Icon. You can use the eyedropper icon to choose the colors from the pallet of colors to change the color of the borders or lines you want to draw.
Pencil Icon. You can use the pencil icon to draw the shapes or pictures into the paint canvas. You can also use the pencil icon to write text on the paint canvas in free hand form.
Spray Paint Can Icon. The spray can icon is used in the same manner as a regular spray paint can. You can change the paint color of your spray can by choosing from the paint pallet at the bottom of the page. You can change how the spray from the paint can will flow onto your paint canvas by selecting from the three choices below the icon list.
Diagonal Line Icon. You can draw diagonal lines to form shapes with this icon.
Solid Square Icon. The solid square icon allows you to add squares to your abstract art drawing in different sizes.
Oval Icon. You can use the oval icon in the same manner as the square icon.

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Right-hand Row

Paint Can Icon. The paint can icon will fill in the background of your abstract art with one solid color.Magnifying Glass Icon. The magnifying glass icon enlarges your abstract art to smaller and larger sizes.
Paint Brush Icon. You can use the paint brush icon to paint as if you were actually using a paint brush. The brush strokes can be changed in the small box below the icons. There are twelve different paint brush tips to choose from. For those who are artists that paint can use this icon to create their own painted pictures on the computer.
Capital A Icon. The Capital A icon allows you type text onto your abstract art. You will want to click on the capital A icon, move to the paint canvas, create the size of text area by adjusting the box that appears. Once you have your box size created, click inside the box area and start typing. This will allow you to create an abstract art with text.
Squiggly Line Icon. The squiggly line icon allows you to make different squiggly lines in your abstract art. To make the squiggly line, you will click on the squiggly line icon, move to the paint canvas area, draw a straight line, place the cursor anywhere on the line, and drag the line in the direction you want the squiggly to be on the canvas.
Geometric Shape Icon. The geometric shape icon helps you draw geometric shapes onto the paint canvas.
Rounded Rectangular Icon. The rounded rectangular icon allows you to create a picture frame style border around your abstract art.

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At the bottom of the paint page you will find your color pad to use to add any colors to your abstract art.

Once you have chosen one of the icons that is mentioned above you will want to click on the white paint canvas box to start drawing out your abstract art piece.

You can add any color that you want during or after you have drawn out your art piece.

You will be creating most of your abstract art piece free-handed. You shouldn’t worry if you do not have any type of art drawing experience. That is the beauty of creating your own abstract art, it doesn’t have to have a set hand stroke with any of the icons to make your abstract art fun.