Tips for Decorating a Girl’s Dorm Room

Going away to college is a great time for students to gain a good learning experience and create a life for themselves. But while they’re at school, it’s important for them to have a comfortable place to go to for studying, sleeping, and socializing: aka: the dorm room. Decorating a girl’s dorm room doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. In fact, there are several ways to bring color and decoration to boring dorm rooms.


Lights are a good and inexpensive way to brighten up a pale room. String lights are a common finding in girls’ dorm rooms at almost every college. These lights can easily be attached to walls or strung around desks to create a relaxing and unique atmosphere. String lights come in different colors, sizes, and shapes, meaning that they can easily match a theme or be a unique part of the room itself. Some great places to find cheap and long-lasting string lights include Target, K-Mart, and Walmart. Usually the sets of lights can be used indoors and outdoors and come with tacking objects that will allow them to be easily attached to any wall or other furnishing. Before you try this idea, make sure the school allows string lights in rooms. Some schools may have restrictions.


Another way to decorate a girl’s dorm room is with art. Often times rooms get cluttered with numerous posters and pictures and can actually make an already small dorm room even smaller. Keep wall decoration to a minimum and make sure that clutter free with a few pieces of art. Of course the pieces do not have to be originals. Many art stores and craft stores sell framed prints that are perfect for dorm room wall decor. Prints shouldn’t be cluttered themselves, and often artistic photographs work the best. Also aim for solid black or silver prints, or even ones that match the rest of the room.

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Windows and Floor

Even though you may have a roommate, using the windows and floor are a great way for you and your roommate to collaborate to create a more personalized space for both of you. Pick out a fun colored carpet. In fact, fuzzy and bright colored carpets are back in dorm room style. Since small carpets come in different colors, shapes, and sizes, it’ll be a great way to add a neat flare to your room. Additionally, you can also pick out matching curtains to place on the windows. Ideally, the curtains should match the room and even the carpet, but it all depends on your personal taste and collaborating with your roommate.

Personalized Space

You can also decorate your side of the room using what you already have. You can use prom pictures, awards, and other memory items from back in high school or your childhood to decorate your room. Not only will this personalize your space, but it’ll also make you feel like you’re more at home. Do not over clutter though, pick out one wall or one space to decorate all your own. You can also be creative with your desk or even a white board or bulletin board with pictures.