Tips for Brushing Teeth Properly

I am sure you have been brushing your teeth for years now, but have you been brushing your teeth properly? Not everyone knows how to brush their teeth properly. It is important to have good oral care. If you do not have good oral care, you could get severe tooth decay, gum disease, plaque and other issues. Oral care can be really simple and easy to do. Here are tips for brushing teeth properly:

Right Equipment

Obviously, in order to brush your teeth properly, the first thing you will need is a toothbrush. A soft toothbrush is the best kind to use while brushing your teeth because it is not as rough on your gums, and it makes it easier to remove the plaque that is on your teeth. You will need to find the right toothpaste for you to put on your toothbrush in order to clean your teeth correctly.

There all kinds of toothpaste out there. For example, toothpastes that have anti-tarter or whitening properties, or are good for people with sensitive teeth, are good choices. Just make sure your toothpaste contains fluoride. Fluoride prevents cavities, and it helps the teeth by hardening the enamel on the teeth. It protects the teeth, and that is very important in proper oral care.

Length of Time

The length of time that you spend on your oral care is very important. In order to brush your teeth properly, you will need to spend at least two full minutes brushing your teeth. You will also need to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Some people like to use egg timers while they brush their teeth so they know that they brushed their teeth properly for the whole two minutes.

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Another important factor in properly brushing your teeth is to make sure you are handling your toothbrush right. The proper angle is 45 degrees. It makes a significant difference in how well your teeth are being brushed. The correct angle helps good oral care. Brush with a direct and mild pressure.


When brushing your teeth every day, you should come up with a pattern. This will make your oral care simpler and more efficient. Start brushing your teeth with your toothbrush and toothpaste by doing the back of your teeth first, and then move forward to the front of your mouth. Move your toothbrush in tiny circular motions, and brush two to three teeth at a time. When brushing the back of your front teeth, use the tip of your toothbrush for good oral care.


Lastly, you will want to use your toothbrush to brush your tongue. This will help keep your breath fresher, and it will also make your mouth cleaner. It helps prevent teeth and gum problems. Finally, rinse your mouth out with water or mouthwash. Brushing teeth properly is easy once you get into a routine of having good oral care every day.
