Eight Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is something everyone wants to avoid as it not only impacts the aesthetics of your smile, but it also leads to pain and discomfort. To prevent tooth decay you need to understand the relationship between carbohydrates and bacteria. Bacteria is attracted to the carbohydrate residues that are left on your teeth from the foods that you consume. The bacteria eats the carbohydrates, digests them and turns them into an acid. This acid dissolves the enamel layer of your tooth and creates a hole, which is also called a cavity. (Cleveland Clinic, 2007). This is a natural process, but one that is undesirable. Fortunately, there are ways you can prevent tooth decay from occurring.

Brush Your Teeth

The first way to prevent tooth decay from occurring is to simply brush your teeth. At the very minimum, you need to brush your teeth twice a day. (Cleveland Clinic, 2007). However, for the best results you will want to brush your teeth after each time that you eat.

Floss Your Teeth

Another strategy that you can use to prevent tooth decay is to floss between your teeth. (Cleveland Clinic, 2007). The tight areas between your teeth are often missed by your toothbrush. However, carbohydrate residues can sink into these areas and create a nice spot for a cavity to develop.

Supplement Your Diet with Fluoridated Water

Fluoridated water can be a valuable dietary supplement. Drinking two glasses of fluoridated water a day can help you to prevent tooth decay. (Cleveland Clinic, 2007). This is a good option for kids, especially since they don’t always brush efficiently enough to prevent tooth decay.

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Apply a Tooth Sealant

Your dentist has tooth sealants which can be applied to your teeth to prevent tooth decay. (Cleveland Clinic, 2007). This option is great for kids and for adults who don’t always brush as often or as long as they should.

Chew Gum with Xylitol

One of the newest strategies for preventing tooth decay is to chew gum that has been sweetened with Xylitol. (Cleveland Clinic, 2007). Research indicates that Xylitol can help to prevent tooth decay be slowing down the process of bacterial growth. This gives you more time to brush your teeth and get rid of carbohydrate residues before a cavity develops.

Modify Your Eating Habits

Another strategy is to modify your eating habits to help you prevent tooth decay. Since you know that carbohydrates are at the root of tooth decay, you will want to modify your diet so that your teeth aren’t exposed to as many carbohydrates during the day, especially between meals and right before you go to bed. (Cleveland Clinic, 2007).

Visit Your Dentist

One of the best ways to prevent tooth decay is to visit your dentist at least twice a year. (Cleveland Clinic, 2007). Your dentist will be able to give your teeth a thorough cleaning, seal them and identify warning signs of tooth decay.

Don’t Eat or Drink Right Before You Go to Bed

The final tip to prevent tooth decay is to avoid consuming carbohydrates right before you go to sleep. This means no sugary drinks or snacks that are high in carbohydrates right before you go to sleep. This is because you don’t produce as much saliva when you sleep as you do when you are awake, which means that the carbohydrate residues will not be washed away by your saliva and instead they will remain stuck to your teeth.

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Cleveland Clinic. (2007). “Dental health: Tooth decay prevention.” WebMD. Retrieved from the World Wide Web 12.14.08 from http://www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/tooth-decay-prevention