Tip for Buying Video Games for Tweens

The preadolescent years that are right before becoming a teenager are sometimes referred to as tween years. This is one of the most important periods in a person’s life. This is where most of the final touches on a person’s personality are made. Many people do not realize that what you reward your tween with has big impact on how they will view life for the rest of their days.

When I was around that age, I was awarded with racetracks and role playing video games. I can not resist a sports car even now. I love to watch racing shows from time to time. Even though I haven’t played much of any video games that involved racing, I still play games such as Gran Turismo. The thing is that you respond differently to certain rewards when you’re a tween.

When I was about twelve years old I spent countless hours playing role playing games when I was first introduced to them. This is because these types of games actually require a great deal of time to complete. That was years ago, some of the games now are impossible to complete because they have updated content every so often. Games such as Final Fantasy XI can take up so much time that it becomes harmful. That was the case with me when I was a tween. I’m surely not alone. Some games have implemented ways of telling you to spend time with your friends and family every time you start them up. Others have messages suggesting that you take a break after so many hours. It is obvious that it has a powerful hold on many people if game developers themselves must go to such measures.

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The best type of video game to buy your tween would most likely be an action game. These games are usually much shorter. The highly defined graphics are always nice to look at. If you tween insist on playing role playing games then you must step in to limit their playing time. Role playing games are actually great teachers. They usually teach new words and introduce basic learning concepts that can allow for a preadolescent to intellectually excel beyond their average peer. This is because a role playing game is practically a movie that you star in. You make the decisions, and you face the results of your decisions.

Many games have their ups and downs. Action games may not drain time as much as role playing games but can be just has harmful. Many action games are violent. They are violent to the extent that some action games can not be purchased by minors. They are treated like restricted movies and pornography. Those games are fun to play and addictive but to a learning tween brain it can be very harmful.

They may incorporate what they see in the games as a part of their lifestyle without knowing it. If they have to shoot and kill someone in the game, they may think of this as a likely response to incorporate if they run into trouble at school.