Time Travel to a Parallel Universe: A Reality, According to Scientists

According to Oxford Scientists, parallel universes really do exist. Many scientists argue that time travel undermines the idea of cause and effect to create paradoxes. According to David Deutsch at Oxford, the existence of parallel worlds offers a way around these paradoxes. In a recent article in New Scientist, parallel universe make quantum sense to many modern day physicists. Andy Albrecht at the University of California at Davis, calls this as one of the most important works in scientific history.

So now you are probably asking yourself like I was, “What is a parallel universe?” Probably the best way that I can show you some example would be in that of a kung fu type movie. The movie “The One”, which stars Jet Li, has Li exposed to three different parallel universes. He deals with other from another parallel universe.

This is a different idea than one proposed by H.G.Wells in the “Time Machine.” Instead of going forward and backward in time, you leap from parallel universe to parallel universe. If you remember the old television show “Quantum Leap”, that would give you a better idea. The show used the idea of quantum physics to travel in time. Too Sci-Fi for you, you say. It is for me, too. However, for the physicists at Oxford University, it is a highly successful, mathematical, and yet baffling theory of the atomic world.

In a Telegraph article, Deutsch argues that time travel shifts between different branches of reality, the so called many-worlds formulation of Quantum theory. This idea was first perceived by Erwin Schrodinger and then written about in 1957 by Hugh Everett III. Everett believes that our present universe is part of a multi-universe. Each universe has it’s own set of rules.

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For example, a car wreck in one has an individual being lucky and unhurt. Still another of the same event, has an individual being killed. Yet another has that person being injured. It just goes on and on according to Everett.

Although some scientists call it repugnant to common sense, two scientists have tested Everett’s theory. Doctors David Wallace and Simon Saunders both from Oxford, claim that Everett is correct with his theory. According to the same article, they presented their findings at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada.

So what does this mean? It means that there is a strong belief in multi-universe like our own and that we are a part of it. The theory might be in place, but the actual travel to another parallel universe is a different matter. In the article, Deutsch admits that there is a long way to go for us to manipulate the space-time theory for time or universe hops.

When I first read these two articles, I was very confused about the idea of time travel. However, after reading them and just thinking about what these guys were referring to, I started to believe that maybe there is something to this. I once saw a program on the Sci-Fi channel that tried to explain crop circles. One concept had it that someone in another multi-universe was playing tricks on us. After reading these articles, it might just be true.

I remember something once said on Star Trek by Spock. “If the all possibilities have been eliminated, then it’s time to look at the impossibilities.”