Three Ways to Prevent Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is the fifth most common cancer – and one of the cancers with the worst prognosis. Sadly, most people diagnosed with cancer of the liver survive less than a year. Even more disturbing is the fact that this cancer is on the rise in the United States – which has some health experts concerned. Is there a way to reduce the risk? There’s no sure way to prevent liver cancer, but there are some steps you can take to reduce the risk of this aggressive disease.

To Prevent Liver Cancer, Take Steps to Avoid Hepatitis

Chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C infection are two of the most common causes of liver cancer. These viruses wreck their havoc by causing chronic, low-grade inflammation and cirrhosis which increases the risk of liver cancer by several-fold. Unfortunately, some people are infected with hepatitis and don’t even know it. This is why it’s important to be tested by your doctor.

To reduce the risk of getting hepatitis B, consider getting the hepatitis vaccine – especially if you work in a health care setting or travel internationally. To avoid both hepatitis B and C, don’t share personal care items such as razors or toothbrushes with others – and don’t use I.V. drugs or practice unsafe sex. Think twice before getting a tattoo since the hepatitis virus can be transmitted from needles that are reused at tattoo parlors. A tattoo isn’t worth dying of cancer of the liver.

Watch How Much Alcohol You Drink

Alcohol causes cirrhosis – and the changes that come from chronic inflammation and cirrhosis increase the risk of cancer of the liver. Even a few drinks a day increases the risk of liver cancer, but the risk rises even more when a person drinks five or more drinks per day. Around five percent of people with cirrhosis of the liver related to alcohol end up with cancer of liver. Go light on the alcohol if you’re worried about your risk of cancers of the liver.

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To Prevent Liver Cancer, Watch Your Medications

Some medications cause liver damage when they’re used over a long period of time which can increase the risk of cancers of the liver. If you’re taking medications that are toxic to the liver, get a blood test to check your liver enzymes every three to six months – to make sure your liver isn’t sustaining damage. Even drugstore medications such as Tylenol can be toxic to the liver, so don’t take medications indiscriminately.

Do Vitamins or Nutritional Supplements Help Prevent Cancers of the Liver?

One supplement that has shown promise is l-carnitine, a naturally occurring amino acid that plays a role in transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria of the cell – so they can be metabolized. In rat studies, l-carnitine reversed pre-malignant changes that would have developed into liver cancer. L-carnitine protects against free radicals that damage the liver and increase the risk of liver cancer; and rats that are deprived of l-carnitine develop pre-malignant changes to the cells in the liver. Maintaining good levels of L-carnitine through diet (meat and dairy products) may help to reduce the risk of liver cancer. More studies are needed before carnitine supplements can be recommended.

To Prevent Liver Cancer: The Bottom Line

Take steps to protect yourself against viral hepatitis and don’t drink alcohol or take medications indiscriminately that are metabolized by the liver. Make sure you’re getting enough l-carnitine in your diet.

Professional Guide to Diseases. Ninth edition. 2009. page 836.