Three of the Best Early Pregnancy Tests

While no one is able to determine the exact second they get pregnant there have been great new advancements that now allow us to know if we are pregnant even before we miss a period. There are several different pregnancy tests on the market that claim they can tell a women if she is in the very early stages of pregnancy but which ones are the best? Here is a look at the three best early pregnancy tests on the market.

1. First Response. When it comes to reliability First Response has always been ahead of the competition even before they came out with their early home pregnancy test. Now women have a better chance of knowing they are pregnant early on with the First Response Early Result pregnancy test. The reason First Response is rated number one in early pregnancy tests is because it is so sensitive at detecting the hCG hormone. For around $15 depending upon where you go to buy your test you can get two tests to help you determine if you are in fact pregnant. The only thing some women had to complain about this test is that some found it hard to read. Other than that they loved the reliability and the quick results.

2. Clearblue Easy Digital Pregnancy Test. This has long been one of the favorites amongst women because it is so easy to read. You either get a “pregnant” or “not pregnant” result in the window after taking it. Having taken this one myself personally I can say it has always been accurate for me in determining pregnancy even as soon 4 days before I expected my period. While the test worked great for me some women who have used this particular test did claim they got false positive results or the test just did not function right for them. Another complaint is that it is more expensive than other early pregnancy tests on the market with shoppers usually paying around $20 or more for two tests.

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3. Answer Pregnancy Test. This is a very popular test because it claims to be able to tell you if you are pregnant as soon as 5 days before a missed period and it is very affordable. Shoppers can purchase this early pregnancy test in a box of 3 for as little as $18. It is a very traditional early pregnancy test in the fact if you see two lines you are most likely pregnant whereas if there is only the one line you are most likely not pregnant. Most women enjoy buying this test because it does come with two extra tests that allow them to test later on in the week if they feel that maybe they are just testing too early.

While these pregnancy tests can be helpful for women to determine if they are in fact pregnant or not it is always best to get definite results by seeing your doctor for a blood test. If you are worried about getting a false positive or negative you can call your doctor’s office to schedule an appointment so they can do the blood test and give you a definite answer.