Things You Can Do with Lays Potato Chips

I love Lays potato chips better than any kind of chip. I love to just eat them right out of the bag, but you and I know they are fattening. I will occasionally put a few Lays on my plate with a sandwich, but not often. Then I found a really clever way to use potato chips in my cooking that will make an ordinary meal just pop with excitement! Here are a few ways to use Lays Potato Chips. It doesn’t matter which flavor you use. I like the plain ones, but you can also use the Salt and Vinegar kind or any kind of Lays you want to try. The thing is to try something different to add pizazz to your meal. Below are some ways that I have learned to use Lays Potato Chips.

Lays Oven Fried Chicken

I use boneless chicken breasts. I like to use the flash frozen breasts that I can just take out of the bag how many I want at one time. I thaw them on a metal pan. They thaw better that way. Once the breasts are thawed I rinse them off under warm water. Then I dredge them in Bisquick, but you can use flour if you want to. After dredging them in Bisquick I dredge them through a bowl of beaten eggs. Once they are covered with egg mixture I roll them in crushed Lays Potato Chips. It is important to crush the potato chips as small as you can get them. I use a potato masher to crush my Lays Potato Chips in a big bowl. After I roll my chicken in the potato chips I place the chicken pieces in a pan pre-sprayed with Pam Spray or some other non-stick spray. Believe me you will want to use the spray so your chicken will not stick to your pan.

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When your chicken breasts are covered with crushed potato chips they just look so pretty lying there. Now pop the chicken in a hot oven 400 degrees F for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, flip the chicken over and bake for 10 more minutes or until done. You will hear and see the chicken sizzling. It is frying in the oven. The grease from the Lays Potato Chips is enough to fry your chicken without deep frying it. The only added fat to your chicken is the grease from the Lays Potato Chips and most of that grease has cooked off. I like to serve my oven fried chicken with Catalina Dressing, which serves as a sweet and sour sauce. You might like Ranch Dressing or BBQ sauce. It is good no matter how you serve it.

Lays Twice Baked Potatoes

Have you ever had those twice baked potatoes you buy in a box? They are good but you can make your own really easy. I bake several large potatoes in my oven until they are done. I let them cool and then cut them in half lengthwise. In a large mixing bowl I empty the flesh of the potato out of the jackets and then put the jackets aside to be refilled later. Depending on how much potato you are using depends on how much of the other ingredients you use. I just go by how it tastes and looks.

In the bowl with the potato filling I add I container of sour cream. I add chives and cheddar cheese to the mix. Again I like to just throw stuff in. I don’t use a recipe, and you can’t go wrong on it. To me and my family more is always better when it comes to cheese and sour cream. Now it is time to refill the potato jackets. Fill them up high because you will have a lot of mixture. Place them in a sprayed baking pan or baking dish. It can be metal or Pyrex. I like to use Pyrex for my Lays Twice Baked Potatoes. Once you have the potatoes nicely arranged so they don’t fall over on their sides, crush up some Lays Potato Chips. Any kind will do. I like the plain ones. Now take a handful of crushed potato chips and place them on top of the potatoes. You might need to do this rather firmly and work them into the potato mixture. You want as much potato chips on top of your potato as it can possibly hold. Now when you are done pop them into your preheated oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. When you take them out your potato chips on top will form a nice crispy crust and the inside of your twice baked potato will be soft and creamy with lots of gooey cheese inside. Lays Twice Baked Potatoes, as I call them are scrumptious.

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Note: As I experiment with Lays Potato Chips in my everyday cooking, I will share it with you. Enjoy!