Nestle Chocolate Chips VS. Hershey’s Chocolate Chips

When it comes to chocolate chips you can be very creative. Chocolate chips can be added to a large variety of food. The ultimate favorite of many people is the chocolate chip cookie. Something about chocolate chip cookies makes a person think of home and warm cuddly things. The smell of chocolate chip cookies is comforting and makes the saliva glands start to work. Chocolate chip cookies are one of the main foods that have chocolate chips in it but so do other cookies. I like to put chocolate chips on vanilla yogurt. Chocolate chips are good in brownies, pies and bars.

Nestle really is the winner when it come to chocolate chips. All chocolate chips are good but Nestle does something to there chocolate chips to make them smooth and creamy. The taste of the Nestle chocolate chip is sweet and delightful. Nestle chocolate chips are so good you can enjoy them alone with nothing else to disguise there flavor. When you eat Nestle chocolate chips the chocolate melts in your mouth at just the right time. The chip is creamy and such a pleasure that it is hard not to eat the entire bag of chips. Nestle chocolate chips are my favorite type of chocolate chip but I will use other brands.

Hershey’s chocolate chips are also very good but the texture is just a tad more grainy then Nestle chocolate chips. You can eat Hershey’s chocolate chips alone with out any other ingredients as well as the Nestle chocolate chip but the grainy texture is not as desirable. If I eat Hershey chocolate chips alone I like to eat them frozen, they just taste better. The Hershey chocolate chip is very good when it is baked in chocolate chip cookies or other bakery items.

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Both the Nestle chocolate chip and the Hershey chocolate chip bake very well in bake goods. The chips tend to melt when the food is baking but the chips harden after the baking is done. It is very hard to tell the different between the Nestle chocolate chip and the Hershey chocolate chip after they have been baked. The flavor of both Hershey chocolate chips and Nestle chocolate chips is very good when baked in your favorite recipes. They are even good when used in frosting recipes that require chocolate chips in them.

Both Nestle chocolate chips and Hershey chocolate chips cost about the same price. More often then not the Nestle chocolate chip is a bit higher in price then the Hershey chocolate chips.

It seems to me that the Hershey chocolate chip is a little smaller then the Nestle chocolate chip. So when baked in a cookie the chips of the Nestle seem bigger. Maybe the chips really are a little bigger or maybe they are just bigger on taste.

I think both the Nestle chocolate chip and the Hershey chocolate chip are very good. I like to bake with both kinds of chips. I like the variety the different chips give me. My cookies do taste a little different when I use the Nestle chips compared to the Hershey chips. But variety is good so I use both. I tend to make my decision based on what chips are less expensive when I am buying them. Both Nestle and Hershey chocolate chips come in twelve ounce packages. You can also find them both in a six ounce package. There are also different varieties of Nestle and Hershey chips. Milk chocolate, vanilla and butter scotch to name a few. But I prefer the semisweet. When it comes to chocolate chips I suppose everyone has a favorite. But when you right down to it they are all good.