– a Helpful Site for Expectant Mothers

Are you an expectant mom? A new mom-to-be? Or pregnant with your second or third (etc.) child? A wonderful site that is so helpful for pregnant women is This site is filled with an abundant of information for expecting mothers. From all the tasks and trials, highs and lows, and blessed surprises, this site has information from what occurs before pregnancy all the way through what comes after pregnancy.

Am I Pregnant?

The website’s “Prepregnancy” link has a bunch of information from articles on ‘Trying to Conceive’, the explanation of ovulation calendars, and pregnancy tests. It even has a section on possible pregnancy symptoms. Typical symptoms include a higher basal body temperature, the “implantation” sign, exhaustion or extreme fatigue, nausea and of course having a missed period. Not all women may experience all these symptoms though. Even a store-bought pregnancy test may not be the correct answer. If you really want a definite answer, schedule a visit with your OB-GYN.

Friendly Forums

A popular section on this site is the “TLOL” (The Labor of Love) Journals. No matter what stage you are in your pregnancy-phase (from just trying to conceive to being 6 months pregnant to already parenting older children), there are many forums you can find a fit in. Women can start their own journal on their favorite forum page, and share their own experiences with other women throughout the site. You can also post pictures of your ultrasounds and new babies. It’s exciting sharing the first moments of hearing your new baby’s heartbeat and seeing their images on an ultrasound for the first time. It’s also fun if you are part of a forum where you all are due in a particular month, and it gets exciting as each women begins to post their “baby has arrived!” journal entries. (Unfortunately, after this special post, some women tend to stop posting as often because they understandably get busy raising their new addition.)

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Parenting World

Once you enter the life-changing world of parenting, your focus does tend to be drawn to your child or children. For new and old moms, the sections found under the “Parenting” link are very helpful. You can find information from discipline, education and potty-training. Of course the forums are very helpful to see how other parents cope as well with children the same age as yours.

I’ve found most women to be very helpful and enthusiastic on this site. It’s a supportive, caring and fun site to be a part of, especially if you’re experiencing pregnancy for the first time. Many women have the same questions and worries at all similar stages of pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and parenting. The forums and articles are endlessly helpful in finding an answer to any questions you may have.