How You Can Find Free Printable Calendars Online

Are you looking to find free calendars or free calendar templates online? Whether you are looking to improve your organizational skills or if you want to give a homemade calendar as a gift, you should take the time to examine the internet. Online, it is possible for you to find a number of free printable calendars, as well as a number of free printable calendar templates.

If you are looking for free printable calendars or free calendar templates, which enable you to customize calendars, your best option involves performing a standard internet search. When performing a standard interenet search, it may be a good idea to tailor your search to exactly what you are looking for. For instance, if you are looking for a new baby calendar, you may want to search with a phrase such as “free printable new baby calendar,” and so forth. This may save you hours of searching through printable calendars or templates that aren’t what you need.

Although you should be able to find a large number of free calendar templates and printable calendars online, you may want to take the time to examine a few of the websites outlined below. They have a number of free printable calendars or free calendar templates for you to choose from.


The website is your one stop source for just about anything that you need printed, include free printable calendars. This website has a number of free printable calendars for you to choose from, in a number of different colors. In fact, there are even options that will allow you to add in your own holidays or other important dates.

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My only complaint with this website is that it can be a little bit difficult to navigate. However, having the patience to do so is more than worth it. To get started, you will want to visit the main page and click on the “Calendars,” link, which actually appears a number of times on the main page. You can choose from free customizable calendars, monthly calendars, yearly calendars, business style calendars, and much more.


The Calendar Nexus is a website that has a large selection of free printable calendars for you to use. The calendar selection includes weekly, monthly, and yearly calendars. It is also possible to find colored calendars, school calendars, and so much more.

To gain access to the free printable calendars on this website, you will want to click on the “Calendars,” link, towards the top of the main page. Once there, you will see a number of different options. It may be easiest for you to click on “Free Printable Calendars,” link. This will take you to the page with the most options. Otherwise, you will need to browse through a number of different pages to find what you need.


The Chart Jungle website has a number of free printables for you to choose from, including free printable calendars. Although you do not have to become a website member to gain access to these free printable calendars, there are a number of benefits to doing so. Membership is free and you will regularly receive site updates and other freebies.

To gain access to the free printable calendars, you will want to click on the “Printables,” link on the main menu. From there, you will want to select “Calendars,” from the list of free printables. Once there, you will find a number of calendars to choose from. The traditional monthly calendars are nice, as they come with small beautiful pictures near the names of the months. You also have the option of choosing from birthday calendars, school calendars, and much more.

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The above mentioned websites are just a few of the many online websites that give you access to free printable calendars or free calendar templates. As a reminder, you should be able to find additional websites by performing a standard internet search. Should you still come up empty handed, you may want to experiment with making your own calendar, which should be easy with the right programs, such as Microsoft Word.
