The Type a Personality Vs: The Type B Personality

Every person on this planet has a different and unique personality. However, each individual personality can be placed into one of two groups: Type A or Type B. Here are the differences…

First let’s start by understanding what each type means. The Type B personality is the norm. It’s the average person. They are at most times calm and collected. It takes a lot to irritate them. The are barely overstressed, and when feeling stressed they tend to be productive rather than destructive. Type B people don’t mind driving behind a slow car. They don’t care too much if the line is long at the grocery store. Their pace is relaxed and they are not in too big of a hurry to get things done. Type B people are patient.

The Type A personality on the other hand is the person who’s driving behind you, beeping and cursing, because you are going to slow. They are not the calmest of people and are rarely fully collected. Type A people get irritated much more easily than type B people do. The become impatient when waiting in lines at the grocery store. They often are in a rush. These are the people you see tapping their foot when you are in front of them in line. Type A people often lived fast paced. They hate to waste time and often become angry when things slow them down.

What type of personality catogory do you fall into? I am a Type B, while my husband is a Type A. Do you know or live with a Type A person?

How do and how can Type B personalities learn to live with and deal with Type A personalities? This is probobly an age old mystery. Here are some suggestions…

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You can start by realizing that everyone is different. Some people just instictivly become irritated more easily than others. Type A personalities do seem to have a heredity factor. Once you realize this you can begin to have understanding for the fact. Once you have understanding you will find that you have a much higher tolerance for the Type A people you know.

If you have a Type A who is very close to you there is hope. Although a Type A person will become angry when abruptly confronted, they will calm when gently approached. It is okay to, and in fact a good idea to let your Type A loved one know when they are out of line. If you speak nicely to them they will see that you are sincere rather than judgemental. Pure love can calm the nastiest Type A symptoms.

The Type A personality seems to be something that is with a person from birth. It is just the way that they are. Knowing this means knowing that children can also possess symptoms of being a Type A personality. This means that these children will need to be taught a little more self control than Type B children. They will be more likely to throw tantrums and will not be afraid to speak how they feel. Type A children can be a bit difficult, noticably more than a Type B child. If your child has a Type A personality they have most likely inherited it from either you or your spouse. Be patient and calm. Nurture their strengths and teach them how to solve problems calmly, early on in life.