The Top Ten Martial Artists in Comics

One hotly debated subject amongst comic readers is martial arts. Who’s the best? Well, to be honest it’s very subjective. However, I’ll offer my humble opinion on the top ten greatest martial artists in all of comics. Let’s get started!

#10 – Shang-Chi
Shang-Chi is the son of Fu Manchu, the Chinese warlord who nearly achieved becoming ruler of the world. Shang-Chi was raised and taught a variety of martial arts. Despite having no superhuman attributes, he has repeatedly matched or defeated other strong fighters.

#9 – Iron Fist
Daniel Rand discovered the mystical city of K’un-L’un as a child. His father saved the ruler of K’un-L’un, and the ruler then took Danny under his wing and trained him. Daniel’s fists are imbued with powerful energy, and he has complete control over his chi. His most powerful attack is, you guessed it, the ”Iron Fist” which can cause incalculable amounts of damage. This technique potentially leaves Daniel drained and temporary paralyzed, however.

#8 – Richard Dragon
Richard Dragon was a thief trained by O-Sensei. Dragon eventually reached his full potential and found inner peace. Eventually he became a bit of secret agent, but he always utilized his martial arts skills. In the DC Universe, he’s unanimously considered one of the best martial artists.

#7 – Bronze Tiger
Ben Turner murders his parent’s assailant as a young child and grows up using his martial arts ability for evil. Eventually he conquers his inner demons by moving to the east and training with O-Sensei. Like Richard Dragon, Bronze Tiger is considered one of the strongest martial artists in the DC Universe.

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#6 – Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
Cassandra Cain is a formerly mute daughter of Lady Shiva and David Cain. After saving Commissioner Gordon’s life, she was given the mantle of Batgirl. Cassandra Cain has undergone intense martial arts training nearly all her life and few are considered her equal in the DC Universe. She has defeated Lady Shiva just once, though the encounter left her completely drained.

#5 – Lady Shiva
Originally the nemesis of Richard Dragon, Lady Shiva soon came into her own. She is considered grand master of martial arts in the DC Universe, and has no equal save for Batman. She can kill and resurrect using only martial arts techniques, making her very deadly indeed.

#4 – Wolverine
Besides having a ridiculous power set including adamantium bones and a healing factor, Logan possesses a martial arts technique cultivated from years of training and practice. He’s defeated many of what the Marvel Universe’s had to offer, and fought others to draws.

#3 – Taskmaster
Taskmaster’s photographic reflexes enabled him to study the greatest Marvel martial artists and possess their skills instantly. Taskmaster is a truly frightening combatant, learning all of his opponent’s abilities as they fight him.

#2 – Batman
Thousands of hours of training in hundreds of martial arts may be formidable, but none can equal those abilities when matched with the brain of Bruce Wayne. Comic’s greatest detective is Batman. And when fighting an opponent equal in martial arts ability, it’s always Batman’s brains that win the day.

#1 – Captain America
Captain America is adept at every form of martial arts on the planet and possesses a body that’s at peak human limitation. And yet, this isn’t the reason why he takes the number one spot of the greatest martial artists in comics. His will is completely unbreakable, and he will always find a way to win. Many comic writers consider him the ”Avatar of Victory”, and I’m inclined to agree. He may be down, but he’s never out and he will win eventually.

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That concludes our list of the greatest martial artists in comics. Hope you enjoyed.