The Timex Nature Sounds Alarm Clock

Alarm clocks come and go. They can start your day off with a bang or turn it into a living nightmare. People need to realize the importance of a good night’s rest; scientists recommend between eight or nine hours a night. I know, many of us are lucky to get five hours a night. With minimal sleep attained, the chances are far greater to oversleep. This makes the significance of an alarm clock that much more important. The Timex corporation realized this and devoted their time to making their products a reality. The product they designed was the Timex Nature Sounds Alarm Clock, they also produced a Nature Sounds Alarm Clock/Radio. This article will not cover the clock/radio, since I do not require a radio for assistance.

I have had numerous alarm clocks in the past. Most have met with some cruel or unusual demise. I know one of my clocks had an up close and personal rendezvous with the wall. Another met disaster when it crashed to the floor. Yet, another just gave up and died. I would have to say the life of an alarm clock is far from glamorous and faces imminent disaster or doom. I have had the mysterious hidden alarm clock. I knew it was there, but I could never find it in the dark. I had an alarm clock with a tricky off switch and snooze button. I have even had an alarm clock with an annoying blinking feature, which was pretty hard to fall asleep to. I needed an alarm clock I could rely on, something easy to use and easy to adjust.

Adjusting is the most important part of a good alarm clock to me. So I needed something particular and this time I wanted a name brand. This would provide the reliability. I know you do not always get reliability from a name brand, however there are some name brands that do not have a solid replacement. The Timex Nature Sounds Alarm Clock is exactly what I was looking for. The older I am getting, falling asleep has become that much more of a problem. I have also grown to love the serenity of the outdoors. For example, at four o’clock a.m. the train passes through. I really love the sound the whistle makes in the night. I also love the sound of the wind rushing by and the sounds of rippling waters.

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The Timex Nature Sounds Alarm Clock features three sounds to fall asleep with: A brook, the ocean, or wind chimes. Personally, I prefer the sound of the brook. You can hear the crickets and frogs, like you would with any brook or stream. The Timex Nature Sounds Alarm clock features three additional sounds to wake up to: a bell, chimes, or a cathedral. The cathedral seems to work the best for me. You need a little extra sleep, no problem. This clock has an easy to find long narrow sleep button located at the front of the clock, which controls the sleep and snooze modes. The only button that does seem to be troublesome is locating the off switch. The clock features Indiglo lighting capabilities, which has a button set aside from all the others. The dimmer feature is one of the many features I approve of with two settings, high or low.

The only negative comment I could make about the Timex Nature Sounds Alarm Clock is that this is entirely electric. If you lose power during the night, the chances are pretty high that you will definitely have to reset everything. Fortunately, I am happy to say that I have not had to reset the clock all that often. However, I have heard that the Timex corporation is releasing a new version of this clock with an emergency battery backup.

The Timex Nature Sounds Alarm Clock was a little more expensive than the ones I bought before. This one cost us $14.99, which really is not bad for the brand name. Then again, I have not had nearly as many problems as I had with the other makes and models I owned. I would have to say this is a practical investment and well worth the money.

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