Product Review – the Orgasmo Alarm Clock

My weekly shopping adventure led me to a local mall in my area. The shopping list I was working on revolved around getting some early Christmas gifts for my family. They tend to be an outrageous bunch, so anything that is rude or crude would make them happy. I decided that the best place to find them something like this was at Spencer’s Gifts. If you have never heard of the store, they happen to offer a whole bunch of different products that deal with sex and anything else that you think is rude. What I found was something I thought would be the perfect gift, the Orgasmo Clock.

All of us hate the sound of the alarm clock. The loud annoying beeping or ringing sound that comes out of the device happens to shake us from a wonderful slumber. They also signify that it is time to get out of bed and face the world. Our hatred for these little evil machines cause us to want to destroy them or find an alternative. The more rational people will seek out an alternative. Since my brother hated waking up every morning to his alarm clock, the Orgasmo Clock was the perfect gift for him. The clock does exactly what you are thinking it does, play the sound of an orgasm.

I was able to test the alarm clock at the store. The sound that comes out of the alarm clock really does sound like a woman reaching her ultimate peak of climax. Some might find this be a lovable sound, well, most men would find this to be a lovable sound. Pushing the button set off the sound made me get a lot of weird looks in the store. The weird looks were well worth it because I knew the alarm clock rocked. The orgasm alarm continues until you actually set the clock off. You will notice that the sound will repeat over and over again if you leave it going. Thus, ensuring that the sound eventually wakes you up in the morning.

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My excitement over the gift saw me give the Orgasmo Clock to my brother early. He thought it was a funny gift and planned to use it. A few days went by before I was able to see him again. In his hands was the alarm clock broken into small pieces. He explained to me that the alarm clock did the job when it was time to wake him up. The only issue was that the sound of a woman reaching climax over and over again can drive you insane. No matter what sound level you place the Orgasmo Clock at, you will still have to deal with the loud pitch of a woman getting her rocks off. You would think that the sound would be less irritating than many of the alarm clocks already out there. The truth was that it was not.

This brings me to my review of the Orgasmo Alarm Clock. You are going to eventually cross paths with the alarm clock and want to try it out. The toy is fun to play with in the store or maybe have in your house as something to bring out every once and awhile for conversation purposes. Besides that, it is not worth owning one of these alarm clocks. You might think that the sound of a woman reaching orgasm is every man’s dream to wake up to. My brother proved that this is not the case and that you can become increasingly irritated by the device. Basically, if you see the product and want to get it for your a friend or family, choose to get something else. It is better to give them something they will not break.

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