The Ten Best Wet Dog Foods Revealed!

With current concerns about commercial wet dog food, you would be crazy for not wanting to know exactly what was in your pets food, and which ones were rated the best, and indeed the worse. Although you can read as many reviews as you like on the 10 best dog food brands and you can still only really rely on your own gut instincts!

The 10 best dog food brands that have been voted highest in many surveys are as follows:

Butchers Superior Range

Benningtons Complete

Chappie Original Dog Food

Freshpet Homestyle Select

Iams Savory Sauce

Organipets Complete Organic Dog Food

Naturediet Pet Foods

James Wellbeloved

Pal Pouch Chunks in Gravy

Eukanuba Dog Food

Now, obviously with names that include the words superior and organic, you would expect them to be rated highly on the list, but do these pet foods really offer everything they promise?

The only way that you as a pet owner can establish the 10 best dog food brands is through a system of trial and error. You need to work out whether or not your dog actually likes the food enough for you to buy it continually, and obviously if your pet is allergic to any ingredients, you may want to search for specialist foods. Secondly, you need to work out if you can afford the brand of food that you are buying. Think ahead to how many cans or bags of the food you are going to need to buy in a week and see if your budget allows for it. Dogs very often become accustomed to a particular brand or type of food and changing it could possibly cause stomach upsets and other similar ailments.

See also  Dog Food Recipes for Dogs with Allergies

One way to determine the 10 best dog food brands is to follow your own instincts. If the smell of the food makes you gag, then how are you going to feed your dog every day, or twice a day? And, if it stinks to you, imagine how it would smell to the dog. The same applies if it looks awful as well. Now, I know that most pet food looks pretty bad, and most humans have no intention of eating it anyway, but you become accustomed to how it should look, and if it doesn’t look nice, don’t get it again.

You should try your dog on different brands whilst they are young to find out which flavors they like the best, and which brands, and also whether they prefer wet or dry, or even both together. Think about how you would feed your children, and then apply that to your beloved dog. Would you feed your child something that looks and smells like a small toxic waste dump in a can? No, I didn’t think so; you shouldn’t expect your dog to eat it either!

Work out your preferences together with your dog and you will soon find a pattern emerges and you will come to a comfortable agreement between price and brand. And if your dog is happy, you will be happy!