The Shandy: A Cool Summertime Drink


A shandy is a conspicuously British drink.

I had my first shandy in Shanghai, back in 1995. It was a hot summer day.

I was with some friends. Brody was a work colleague. A displaced subject raised in British Hong Kong, Brody was an absolute madman. But I simply loved the guy despite his many eccentricities. So brilliantly enlightened (and crazy) was the man, that he couldn’t have possibly realized it.

Walking with us was a most composed and illustrious King’s subject, the one-and-only Master Soames, the Director General of a large British advertising concern. Soames was a true-blue Brit – what else could I say?

It was exorbitantly hot, even for a Shanghai summer day. We were puttering about the city, trying to rake up trouble of some kind. As we ambled along Mao Ming Road in mid-town, we came across the Old Jin Jiang Hotel (see Image 2) and decided to stop in for some refreshment. Ever the Livingstonian explorer, Brody declared he wished to see what the view was like from the second-floor balcony of the hotel. Soames and I followed.

Upon arriving upstairs, we walked to the balcony’s edge and seated ourselves. Our view commanded the hotel’s entire park: impeccable, lush, and copiously endowed with flora of all kinds. It was an idyllic scene and a beautiful day.

But still rather hot.

The waiter arrived presently, and asked what the gentlemen should like to order? Before anyone could speak, Soames exclaimed, “We shall each have a shandy!

The waiter was shocked, utterly perplexed. But after some explanation, he returned some minutes later with the prized drinks at hand. (See IMAGE 1)


Here’s how to make and enjoy one:

1. Half a glass of beer.
The only beer available in China that day was a brand appropriately named “Reeb” (Literally, “beer” spelled backwards – how lever!)

2. Half a glass of lemonade, Sprite, 7-Up, or similar sweet cola beverage.

3. Mix above two together.

4. Add a slice of fruit.

5. Drink!

6. Drink several more if possible!

A shandy! Absolutely simple, and utterly wonderful! Sweet but not too sweet, even people who hate beer will like it!

Try one yourself and cool off this summer!


– John

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