The Nine Best Movies on DVD and VOD in 2011 You Never Heard Of

I love movies and I don’t give in to hype. There are experts who tell you what movies to watch and what movies to stay away from. I have learned over the years that the experts are not always right. I have watched thousands of movies the experts have said were no good and often they are off the mark. Here are nine movies the experts did not give a chance in 2011. This is also the reason these are the top nine movies you never heard of in 2011.

  • 1. Texas Killing Fields-A Christian and a punk and an endless string of corpses dumped in a nearby bayou. The movie teaches you about empathy, caring and how they are a sign of weakness in America. This is one of those nine best movies of 2011 you never heard of and you can find this one on DVD or watch it on video on demand, your choice.
  • 2. The Last Circus-This movie is a comedy about a killer clown who falls in love. If you like love, guts, sledgehammers and machine gun action this movie may give you that entertainment you were looking for. I would consider this one of those weird nine best movies of 2011 you never heard of. It takes a movie nut to like this one, you can watch it instantly on Netflix.
  • 3. Super-This is the best superhero movie of 2011 with Kevin Bacon as one of the bad guys. The superhero in this movie is a homemade vigilante, like most superheroes in the best comic books of all-time. Check out this best movie of 2011 you never heard of on DVD.
  • 4. Stake Land-This is a crazy vampire movie without the romance of those overly advertised Twilight series of movies. Make your choice, the living dead kissing and making up or real vampires that will scare the juices out of you. This best movie of 2011 you never heard of can be found on DVD, but make sure you have someone to hold you through those scary parts, the entire movie.
  • 5. Little Big Soldier-You ever hear of Jackie Chan? He is a poor farmer in this movie in china during one of China’s wars. He needs to get an enemy general back, so he can buy a farm. Mix in Jackie Chan’s comedy and his action and you have another one of the nine best movies of 2011 you never heard of. You can watch this movie on DVD and video on demand.
  • 6. Viva Riva!-A crime thriller about The Democratic Republic of the Congo-this movie won a ton of awards and still is one of the nine best movies of 2011 you never heard of. You might want to check this one out on Netflix, you can watch it instantly.
  • 7. Catechism Cataclysm-a comedy that takes patience to get, but actually does come together in the end. You can watch this movie on video on demand. Be patient and you might enjoy this top nine movie of 2011 you never heard of. Don’t give up in the beginning or you will miss the meaning of the film.
  • 8. The Weird World of The Blowfly-a documentary about a rapper you never heard of that will actually be a successful movie you will enjoy. You can rent it on DVD. If you like realistic movies, this movie is the documentary made just for you.
  • 9. A Lonely Place To Die-A movie about mountain climbers, an imprisoned little girl and locals who have automatic weapons. This is an action movie that will give you some good enjoyment if you rent it on DVD or watch it on video on demand
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If you love movies like me, you will have to check out some of these nine best movies of 2011 you never heard of. I can’t guarantee you will love them all, but you will find some find movies in this collection that will make you say “wow, I’m glad I watched that movie.” Enjoy the movies and don’t give into the hype you hear from all of those so-called movie experts. They are only right half of the time, the other times, they are just guessing and getting paid for their opinions.


Tampa Bay Times