The “New Coke” Conspiracy

In 1886 druggist John Pemberton invented a nerve tonic called Pemberton’s French Wine Coca. He removed the wine, added caffeine and cola and poof! – Coca-Cola was born. He whipped it up in a 30 gallon kettle in his back yard and sold it as headache medicine. The coca leaves probably helped a bit.

In 1900 the Cuba Libre (rum and Coke) was invented by American service men in Cuba during the Spanish American War. Bacardi also claims to have invented it.

I’ve never been fond of mixing my booze with anything but water but there’s something romantic about a rum and Coke.

When I was a bartender I had customers that were students from Spain. They drank scotch and Coke. I thought there should have been a law against this or maybe they should be deported. I read later The Beatles drank this concoction all the way through their first American tour. Okay, maybe it’s not so disgusting after all. Maybe it’s a European thing. —– No, I still wouldn’t do it!

Until I gave up smoking in 1990, my diet was basically Coca-Cola and cigarettes. I was hooked on Cokes even though coca leaves had long since been removed.

It’s always amazed me that some folks couldn’t tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi. It was like people that couldn’t tell the difference between butter and margarine, mayonnaise and Miracle Whip, Heinz and Brook’s Tangy, good and evil!

In 1985 Pepsi sales surpassed Coke’s. New Coke was introduced and the hundred year old Coke formula was abandoned.

It was a disaster, the Edsel of the Eighties. The economy of the United States came to a grinding halt. The peasants revolted and stormed the gates of Coca-Cola forcing the corporate elite to bring the original flavor back.

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I believe it was one of the most brilliant marketing ploys in history. Coke Classic never had the same effect as the original. Where was the burn? I’m here to tell you the truth. Coke Classic uses corn syrup instead of sugar. Corn syrup is a lot cheaper.

If they would have just changed the formula without the diversion the difference would have been too stark. Sales would have dropped.

Instead we, the product loyalty zombies, cried out. Our voices were heard. They brought back the original. We would never notice the subtle difference.

Last I heard Coke is on top again and it costs a lot less to produce.

I don’t drink it anymore.