The Most Accurate Pregnancy Tests

There are so many pregnancy tests out there. Picking just one can be not only terribly expensive but can also be disappointing as well.

I have expansive knowledge of what works and what does not work as far as pregnancy tests go. I went through three years of infertility and a bevy of every type of pregnancy test on the market. These are my own personal experiences and results.
It is automatic that we women want to know immediately. Therefore, as you stand in the store staring at the shelves of pregnancy tests, one will likely pop out at you. No doubt it will be First Response Early Result. They claim they can detect pregnancy earlier than anyone else. That may be true on some occasions but please be careful. First of all they the most expensive non-digital pregnancy test. I know you can’t put a price on knowing your future. However, there are great numbers of false positives and this has been well-documented everywhere. I myself can take a test today, knowing full well I am not pregnant and be able to throw a false positive on these tests. I am not sure why they show so many false positives but please, if you get a positive on this test, go to your doctor before you start buying baby clothes.

The other test I tried was an online company out of San Diego called Life Sign ( I got all false positives on them 100% of the time. I would not recommend them at all.

I also tried the little cheap ones from Ebay. Basically theese tests are suppose to be just the tests strips without the plastic holder. In turn, this makes the tests cheaper. They never gave me a false positive and I never took one when I was pregnant. So I cannot say with certainty how accurate they are at detecting pregnancy. I can only say they never gave me false positives.
The tried and true EPT, which stands for Early Pregnancy Test. I got false positives on these as well but not nearly as many. It was one out 5 for me. With the First Response, it was every test, 100% of the time. I would still use EPT to do a preliminary test to see what it says. I think the brand is a good one and it has detected me as pregnant when I was pregnant.

See also  Personal Experience During My Pregnancy: Stripping of the Membranes

As far as the digital tests go, these are the most expensive tests you can buy. But if you get a positive, you may go buy baby clothes. This test never once gave me a false positive. It is because the level of ECG, the hormone found in early pregnancy, has to be at a pretty high level in order to read a positive test. I purchased 2 boxes. One gave me a negative and I was not pregnant. I took the other one when I knew I was pregnant just to see the word “pregnant”. I would say my complaints are the following; take a photo of the word “pregnant” or “not pregnant” whatever it is you want to remember because once the test goes off, the words disappear forever. Second, they are a little tricky to figure out. I messed up my first one and because they are so expensive, it was a bit upsetting. Lastly, the cost I think is a little much. However, seeing the word “pregnant” is an absolute thrill and the thought of the money you spent suddenly disappears.

The best experience I had was with the Equate from Wal-Mart. They are cheap and they detected my pregnancy extremely early. I never had one false positive ever. I recommend them to everyone.

In conclusion, expensive is not always better. I recommend Equate for early, low cost, accurate pregnancy detection.
