The Kentucky Hunter’s Education Program

The Kentucky Hunter’s Education Program has led to a decline in the number of hunting accidents in Kentucky, proving, once again that “Safe Hunting is No Accident”. 1 With this positive decline in statistics, the Kansas government put into place the law that requires any hunter that has a birthday on or after January 1, 1975 to have in their possession a certificate of completion, along with a valid Kentucky hunting license, while they are hunting in Kentucky. This law became effective on March 1, 1991, with hopes that the decline in hunting accidents continues as more beginning hunters learn the importance of being a responsible hunter who is safe and knowledgeable about this sport.

Beginning hunters in Kentucky wishing to achieve a certificate of completion from the Kentucky Hunter’s Education Program have two options to choose from. One option is the traditional classroom, which has a volunteer instructor, and lasts about 10 hours. While attending one of these traditional classroom courses, the beginning hunter will learn more about topics related to hunting, including but not limited to game care, wildlife management, survival and first aide, firearm safety and identification, bow hunting and muzzleloading, hunting responsibilities, tree stands and hunting transportation. Each of these topics is important in the growth of a safe, responsible hunter who takes the sport seriously. The other option available to beginning hunters is to take the classroom portion of the course through a homestudy program eithervia the internet or by using a videotape. The hunter who chooses this option will cover the same topics as the hunter who attends the traditional classroom course, but works at their own speed using their computer. At the end of this course the hunter will be required to attend a 4 hour range course, which is taught by a volunteer instructor, and to take the final exam, which they will be expected to pass before being issued a certificate of completion. For more information regarding either of these options, the hunter should visit the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife’s website.

See also  Utah Hunter's Education Program

As with most rules or laws, there are exceptions which hunters can take advantage of regarding the requirement of a hunting education certificate. There are two such exceptions to the Kentucky hunting law. These exceptions are hunters under the age of 10 and other hunters who are not required to purchase a Kentucky hunting license. The hunters who are under the age of 10 are allowed to go hunting with out successfully completing a hunter’s education program if they are supervised by an adult, who must be 18 years old or older. This exception goes on to explain that one adult can only be responsible for two hunters who are under 10 years old. The other exception to the hunter education program requirement are hunters, such as landowners, who are not required to purchase a hunting license to enjoy the sport on their own land.

The Kentucky Hunter’s Education Program is proving its worth every year as fewer and fewer hunting accidents are reported. These statistics prove that it is working and is a program that must continue for years to come.

