The Health Benefits of Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit Juice

Not everyone enjoys drinking grapefruit juice, but I bet everyone would if they knew about the health benefits you can actually receive from drinking this tart and sweet citrus juice. I know I wouldn’t pass up on a cup of highly nourishing juice that could protect my body from illnesses.

What is a Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit juice can come from all types of grapefruits. White grapefruits have a more tart taste to them and produce a whitish grapefruit juice. Red grapefruits have a more sweet and tart flavor to them and have a reddish pink juice inside of them. Pink grapefruits are slightly less sweet and tart than a red grapefruit and have a pink juice inside of them. So, grapefruit juice comes from freshly squeezed grapefruits that are about the size of soft balls.

Nutrients in Grapefruit Juice

Grapefruit juice contains many nourishing nutrients in it such as loads of vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, vitamin E, B vitamins, vitamin K, phosphorus, calcium, and phytonutrients. These nutrients are essential for supporting the bodies immune system so it can fight off illnesses faster and easier so you can stay healthy and strong.

Health Benefits of the Nutrients in Grapefruit Juice

Vitamin C is essential to our bodies because it is needed to help form and repair our body’s bones, tissues, muscles, blood vessels, and cartilage. It is also needed to help keep our immune systems healthy and strong so it can fight off, prevent, and treat health problems like cancer, asthma, digestive issues, scurvies, colds, the flu, heart disease, skin infections, burns, viruses, bacterial infections, tissue damage, broken bones, hemorrhoids, inflammation, joint pain, acne, brittle nails, fungal infections, headaches, stress, and needless to say the list keeps going. Drinking a cup or 2 of grapefruit juice a day is so important to our health because it contains more than the daily dose of vitamin C in it. Without vitamin C we would be so ill all the time and most likely dead.

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Vitamin A is a fat soluble in grapefruit juice that helps prevent health conditions like cancers, measles, visual problems, skin disorders, respiratory problems, fevers, and parasite infections. Though the amount of vitamin A is low in grapefruits you can still get enough from it to support your health.

Vitamin E is not only an essential vitamin in grapefruit juice, but it is also an important antioxidant that helps fight off the free radical cells in our bodies that cause many different types of cancers like lung, stomach, breast, prostate, colon, brain, and skin. This vitamin is also essential for relieving and treating inflammation in the body. Inflammation in the body causes joint pain, breathing difficulties, heart problems, cancers, infections, stress, and many other illnesses.

B Vitamins in grapefruit juice are essential for keeping your brain functioning properly so your moods stay in check. Without B vitamins we would have all sorts of mood disorders such as depression, ADHD, anxiety, panic attacks, and the feeling of being fatigued all the time. We also might have more tension, stress, headaches, migraines, and mood swings without B vitamins in our daily diet. B vitamins also help keep the metabolism functioning properly and at a fast rate so you are not gaining weight which is why many people eat grapefruits or drink the juice from them. These vitamins also help improve the skin, hair, and nails while improving muscle tone. B vitamins are excellent for healing and enhancing the nervous system and immune system in our bodies so we can fight off illnesses better and other common health problems. Heck B vitamins can even prevent pancreatic cancer if taken daily in the right amount, but the amount you can get from grapefruit juice should be plenty.

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Vitamin K is a fat soluble in grapefruit juice that helps with normal blood clotting when one gets injured and needs the blood flow to clot to slow down the bleeding from an injury. Vitamin K is also needed to help treat and prevent health problems and conditions like bowel obstruction, digestive disorders, cystic fibrosis, and birthing difficulties. Although the amount of vitamin K is low in grapefruit juice it is still just enough to help keep the body running properly and prevent the health problems and conditions you just read about.

Potassium in grapefruit juice helps provide the body with electrolytes would could be good if you were suffering from dehydration because it helps maintain the body’s fluid levels. This mineral is also excellent for the heart because it helps keep blood pressure regulating properly. Potassium is also needed to help keep nutrients flowing to the muscles so they can get the nourishment they need so they can function properly. Potassium is needed to also helps prevent body and muscle stiffness, aches and pains, headaches, tension, hypertension, and poor circulation. This minerals is also needed more to help heal burns, cuts, scrapes and sport injuries.

Phosphorus is needed to help calcium form for our bones can be healthy and strong. It is also needed when the body has a bone injury that needed repairing. Without the phosphorous our bones would be so brittle and weak all the time. Simply drinking some fresh grapefruit juice each day can definitely help get this important mineral into your body.

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Calcium is another essential mineral we can get from grapefruit juice. It helps build our bones and keep them super strong. Without it our bones would be weak and brittle. As our bodies get older we seem to need more and more calcium. Calcium is also needed more when our bones break or become fractured because the body needed more to repair the bone damage.

Phytonutrients in grapefruit juice are antioxidants that help fight off the free radical cells that cause cancer and aging in the body. They also help protect the immune system and nervous system so we can stay healthy and strong.

How to Get Grapefruit Juice Into Your Diet

The best way to get grapefruit juice into your daily diet is by taking 2 to 3 large grapefruits you prefer to use and slicing them in halves and squeezing all the juice out of them using a juicer or your hands. It usually takes about 2 to 3 grapefruits to get about 8 ounces of freshly squeeze grapefruit juice. I would say its okay to drink store brand grapefruit juice, but they are sometimes loaded with sugars and added fruit juices. I think in order to receive all the nutrients and health benefits from grapefruit juice you need to drink it as fresh as possible at least 5 to 6 times per week. I do hope you enjoy the juicy health benefits of grapefruit juice.
