The Grocery Game

The Grocery Game is the newest trend for online coupon-clipping. When the ‘frugal bug’ hits your household, you now have a place to turn for the ultimate grocery shopping experience! The Grocery Game is an online database and clearinghouse featuring the latest and most current sales, coupons, and highlights available at your local grocery store. Although The Grocery Game launched in 2000, the site doesn’t yet cover all markets and stores across America; however, members can still sign up for a downloadable grocery book and guide for access to hundreds of nationwide coupons.

The Grocery Game is made possible through a subscription service. As a new member, subscribers can log in for a free trial version at just $1 for four weeks. After that, a regular 8-week subscription costs just $10. Coupon fanatics can enjoy a variety of benefits and easy access to their much-needed information. Members log in daily to track their grocery stores of choice, and coupons are sent their way for a variety of grocery and household products. Simply log in, search for the coupon of choice, and print it out. The Grocery Game is an inventive way to search and find for the addictive process of coupon clipping and cashing in on discounts. Coined as ‘Teri’s List’ from its founder, Teri Gault, the Grocery Game may be a much-needed revolution for frequent coupon-clippers. The database features both advertised, and un-advertised sales; this means members will have the most current and noteworthy information on any given day.

Grocery store coupons have been around since the 1950s, gaining most of their popularity in the 1970s. Most households take advantage of newspaper inserts, flyers in the mail, or in-store coupons available during the weekly grocery trip. The Grocery Game is an innovative way to incorporate the concept into an internet database; by offering a subscription service, members can log in as frequently as they please to find out the newest sale, stake out a drop in prices of their favorite grocery item, and easily print coupons at their leisure.

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The Grocery Game even offers an incentive with their ’12 Free Weeks’ promotion. When you encourage and solicit referrals, you can claim the added subscripton; simply sign up 3 friends for the service and you will automatically extend your membership. Enrollment is increasing by the hundreds each day, as the Grocery Game offers tips and newsletters, a message board, and a feature ‘This Month’s Savings Story’ for members to share their experiences.

The evolution of the internet and coupons has continued over the years to showcase Eversave, Valpak, and sites such as However, what these sites don’t offer is found in the Grocery Game’s addictive component; as a user, you can track weekly updates of your individual store. The Grocery Game literally does all the research and date-finding for you; it’s then up to you to make the most of your grocery trip by combining the coupons with the sale! Consider it the ultimate in ‘speed saving’ your way through the grocery store; subscribers who participate in the forums and message boards have enjoy the added bonus of sharing their secrets, tips, and winning strategies.

Considering the frequency that members can log in to the Grocery Game, it is quickly taking on a life of its own. As the market coverage expands and new stores are updated with information, the popularity of Teri’s List increases tenfold. The site does list what states and stores are covered to date; and the list continues to grow. Teri’s List also observes four national holidays, days where no coupons or sales are published: Christmas/Hanukah, New Year’s Day, Passover/Easter, and Thanksgiving. Still, the site ensures that the lists may be published at a later date for reference.

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The message board itself offers its own site is the place for shoppers, product reviews, rebates, and ‘field guides’ for newcomers to exchange and learn. With over 1,500 members, this site is quickly becoming a hotspot for grocery store information exchange.
