The Game of Tripoley: A Combination of Poker, Hearts and Michigan Rummy

Tripoley, a game manufactured by a place called Cadasco Toys in Chicago, combines Poker, Hearts and Michigan Rummy for the most fun a group of people have had in years. Although Tripoley can be played with as little as two people, it becomes interesting with four or five, challenging with seven to nine players.

The game comes with chips, used to make bets, but many people actually play with pennies or larger denominations. Still others require that each play actually buy the amount of chips they’ll play with, then cash them in after the game, like in many real casinos. The amount per chips can be set by the host or even the owner of the game. Another way to play is to divide all the chips up equally among the players, at the start of the game.

Tripoley is available in various types, such as Deluxe Editions, but the main theme stays the same. You have a board or mat, marked with various labels, like the Ace of Hearts, or the Kitty. Each corner is labeled to represent one of the four Aces. From there, a circle is printed onto the mat, leaving the corner Aces outside the circle. Inside the circle is a smaller circle called The Pot. Between the two circles are sections containing labels like Ten of Hearts, Jack of Hearts, Queen of Hearts, and so on.

Each player puts a chip or coin onto every labeled section of the board – thirteen in all. That’s one chip for each corner, representing the four aces, one chip in each section of the large circle, and one chip in the center circle, or The Pot.

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Hearts plays a big part in the game of Tripoley. On all four corners of the board, the aces are represented, but in the large circle, almost all hearts are involved. The “paying” sections are as follows: Ten, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace of Hearts (now represented twice on the board), as well as Kitty, King-Queen, and 8-9-10 of all one suit.

After all the antes are in the dealer deals all the cards, dealing himself two hands, all face-down. The cards are just a normal deck, with jokers removed, making 52 cards. The deal may or may not turn out evenly, depending upon how many players there are, leaving some players with an extra card. Sometimes this can work to the player’s benefit.

In one variation, the dealer takes the first hand that was dealt to him, and the other hand is “dead”. In another variation, the dealer only (a new dealer takes over each round) has the option of choosing which hand he wants. A similar version allows the dealer to look at his hand, keep it, or turn it over and take the 2nd hand. Upon taking the 2nd hand, he cannot go back and trade for the original hand.

The game of Tripoley starts with all players choosing their best 5 cards and playing a round of poker, for the chips or cash that’s in the “Kitty” section. Best can be raised, etc, just like in a real poker game. After the winner removes the Kitty money or chips, the rest of the game begins.

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The dealer will generally turn the “dead” hand over, in front of him, so all players can see what cards are “dead” during the game. Some people leave the hand facing downward and just assume the card is dead if no one speaks up during the game, when time to play a card.

Usually the two of clubs or two of spades will lead out – whichever the dealer decides. Or, the dealer may decide that, to start, he’ll throw his lowest card into the pot (the small circle in the center of the board). It just depends on which variation the game owner or host chooses.

After one card is placed into the center, the other players begin following suit. So, if the dealer tosses in the 4 of clubs, for instance, the player holding the 5 of clubs plays, then the 6 of clubs, etc. Eventually you’ll usually run into a “dead” card. At that point, the last person who played now plays the lowest card in his hand, of the opposite color just played. Since clubs were played, the player will now lay his lowest red card, of either suit.

This continues until, finally, players begin laying “paying” cards. Eventually someone will lay the ten of hearts, for instance, which has chips or coins stacked on it. Upon laying a “paying” card, you’ll remove the chips from that section and place them in front of you. If you play the ace of hearts, it’s on the board twice, so you’ll remove both stacks of chips. Keep in mind that if you play the King and Queen of hearts, you’ll get the chips on the King of hearts section, the Queen of hearts section, plus the King-Queen section.

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The person who plays the ace then plays the lowest card in their hand, of the opposite color. This continues until someone runs out of cards, at which point, they take the “Kitty”. In some versions, each player must pay a chip or coin for each card they’re still holding.

The cool thing about Tripoley is that, since some cards were “dead”, no one was able to claim the money on that section. The money or chips are left and everyone antes again for another round. Money builds up quickly on some difficult cards to get, such as the King and Queen of hearts together, or the 8-9-10, all of one suit. The latter is the most difficult, often times never getting played throughout many rounds.

Tripoley is a really fun game that’s perfect for Saturday night with the family, or having friends over for a non-expensive get together. The game is available in additions to suit anyone’s budget.


  • Complete set of Tripoley rules.List of game links