The Five Animal Exercises of Taoism

Taoists created five exercises after five animals whose movements, they believed, had been proven effective for healing of the human body. These animals were the dragon, tiger, bear, eagle and monkey. The five animal exercises of Taoism are used as a means to heal the mind and body.

By making the same movements as these five key animals, Taoists believe that people can repair the imbalance of their five major organs. Each one of the five animal exercises of Taoism is targeted to a specific organ and it’s minor related organs.

The five animal exercises of Taoism are not only believed to heal and balance organs, but also to relieve tension, stress and anxiety in the body and mind. Taoists believe that stress and tension are extremely detrimental to the health of the body.

Imagining the animals while performing the five animal exercises of Taoism is very important as this is believed to strengthen the person psychologically and physically. When performing the five animal exercises of Taoism, the mind must be completely focused on the image of the animal. If the mind wanders at all from this image, the exercise must be stopped until focus is regained.

The Five Animal Exercises of Taoism – The Dragon Exercise

The dragon exercise is the first of the five animal exercises of Taoism and it’s purpose is to instill the properties of the dragon into the mind and body of the practitioner.

This animal exercise of Taoism strengthens the mind by helping to overcome anger, hostility, depression and anxiety caused by feeling overwhelmed by adverse circumstances. The dragon is above such mundane problems. The dragon exercise helps the body physically by bringing equilibrium to the heart, blood vessels and absorption in the small intestines.

To perform the dragon exercise, stand still and take deep breaths while imagining that you are a dragon. Visualize yourself as a dragon as vividly as possible, from the wings and glistening scales to the fangs and glowing eyes. Once you have this picture firmly in mind, raise one foot and assume the pose and character of a dragon. Imagine that your hands are claws and hold one arm up with claws down and one arm down with claws up. This is not a formal pose and freedom to express yourself as you see fit is granted. Hold the pose as long as you can without straining and repeat as many times as is comfortable.

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The Five Animal Exercises of Taoism – The Tiger Exercise

The tiger exercise is the second of the five animal exercises of Taoism and it’s purpose is to instill the properties of the tiger into the body and mind of the practitioner.

This animal exercise of Taoism is helpful in overcoming anxiety, hostility, ineffectualness and lack of ambition. The tiger exercise affects the physical body by healing and detoxifying the liver, soothing inflamed nerves, balancing gallbladder functions and detoxifying the brain and cells.

To perform the tiger exercise, stand still, take deep breaths and imagine yourself as a tiger as vividly as possible. When this image is firmly in place, bend your knees slightly and rise on your toes while reaching up and out until the arms are straight. This imitates the leaping movement of a tiger. Keep the claws down and if you are going to grab something. Hold the pose as long as you can without straining and repeat as many times as is comfortable.

The Five Animal Exercises of Taoism – The Bear Exercise

The bear exercise is the third of the five animal exercises of Taoism and it’s purpose is to instill the properties of the bear into the body and mind of the practitioner.

This animal exercise of Taoism aids the thought process, conceptualization and instills decisiveness into decision making. This exercise affects the enzyme production of the spleen and pancreas and the functioning of the stomach muscles. This is a great exercise for people who suffer from digestion problems, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia and diabetes.

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To perform the bear exercise, stand still, take deep breaths and imagine yourself as a bear standing erect. Once you have this image strongly in your mind’s eye, stiffen your legs, push out the stomach, slope your arms out in front of you and slowly walk forward in the gait of the bear. Continue to walk slowly while holding this pose as long as you can keep the image vivid in your mind.

The Five Animal Exercises of Taoism – The Eagle Exercise

The eagle exercise is the fourth of the five animal exercises of Taoism and it’s purpose is to instill the properties of the eagle into the mind and body of the practitioner.

This animal exercise of Taoism will help overcome melancholy and depression which are believed to be caused by or result in lung problems. The eagle exercise will also stimulate the lungs, skin and large intestine. This exercise is good for people who suffer from emphysema, asthma and skin conditions.

To perform the eagle exercise, stand still, take deep breaths and visualize yourself as a proud and noble eagle. Once the image is vivid in your mind, begin slowly walking with your arms outstretched to your sides at a slant. An alternative way to perform this exercise is with your hands clasped behind your back. Either way, your arms will emulate wings. As you are walking, imagine you are an eagle floating effortlessly through the sky. Keep your body relaxed but your mind alert. Continue this exercise as long as you can without your mind wandering.

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The Five Animal Exercises of Taoism – The Monkey Exercise

The monkey exercise is the fifth of the five animal exercises of Taoism and it’s purpose is to instill the properties of the monkey into the mind and body of the practitioner.

This animal exercise will help check feelings of confinement or the feeling of being restricted by situations of little freedom. The monkey exercise also stimulates the kidneys and bladder. It is recommended for people who suffer from kidney, bladder and/or urinary tract complaints.

To perform the monkey exercise, stand still, take deep breaths and imagine yourself as a monkey. When you have firmly visualized this, begin to act like a monkey. You may want to perform the monkey exercise in private as you may feel inhibited by the presence of others. Crouch, jump, run, leap, bounce or whatever else is possible without straining. The monkey exercise is a completely free animal exercise of Taoism. All your actions should be performed on your whims as they occur to you. Continue this exercise as long as you can without letting your mind wander.

Remember, the most important part of the five animal exercises of Taoism is the union of your body and mind. If your mind wanders, stop the exercise and begin again. You will get no benefit from the five animal exercises of Taoism if your body and mind are not in sync.