The Effects of Global Warming on Animals

The major effects of global warming on animals are just not a new subject for scientists. The higher temperatures have begun to take its toll on the animals, especially the birds. Whether the effects of global warming on animals are caused by nature or the human interference, the animal kingdom is facing extinction. Some animal groups have already faced this horrible outcome because of the effects of global warming on animals.

Who Is Feeling The Effects Of Global Warming On Animals The Most?

It seems that research is showing the winged creatures having the first effects of global warming on animals, the birds and butterflies in particular. The effects of global warming on animals have caused the butterflies to start migrating almost a week earlier than they did before. Plant life needed to sustain these creatures is also feeling the effects of global warming on animals because they are not producing at the rate they used to. This means there may not be enough food for these creatures in their native habitats. How sad would it be if the effects of global warming on animals caused the butterflies to become extinct?

Polar bears are the primary mainland animal to be feeling the effects of global warming on animals. Scientific studies show that they seem to be lower in weight than in the past. The effects of global warming on animals have affected the growth of the seals the polar bears are used to eating. This is causing a major decline in the hunting of the polar bear. The ice they live in is also affected because it is almost fifty percent decreased from the years before. This also creates effects of global warming on animals that live in the waters covered by that ice.

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There are many examples of animals who have been forced to relocate because of the rising temperatures. Some animals, like the Canadian Geese, have a large area in which they can comfortably live. Their migratory patterns have shifted, but they can still find ample areas in which to live. The same can not be said for all animals, especially those confined to a limited geographic area, such as the rainforest or the desert. Because of the deterioration of the environment, or human expansion, these animals cannot find a new living space, and face extinction because of it. The effect of global warming on these animals is that it is limiting the places where they can live, and in some cases, eliminating their native habitat all together.

Because of the effects of global warming on animals, the forests that house and feed these animals is under attack. The amount of forest fires is going up which means the lives of the animals are in more danger. We must realize that our actions are partly to blame for the effects of global warming on the animals. If we can stop or even reduce what we are doing to the earth, we might slow things down enough that it can begin to have time to replenish itself. The earth and its effects of global warming on animals might halt.
