The Business of Acting: Demo Reel Tips

So you’ve done some regional film and television work. You’ve may have even stared in your own commercial or have been features on a sitcom. And now, your various production reels are starting grow and grow. So, what do you do with all of this work you’ve compiled throughout your budding career?

Well, if you haven’t already figured it out, it is time for you to make your demo reel. Demo reels are made to distribute to possible agents, managers and also for casting directors to see you in action – outside of the audition room. But how do you make a demo reel? What are some key demo reel tips that will ensure a level of professionalism is reached?

Throughout my years in the entertainment industry, I have gathered many tips on making a great demo reel. It’s not as simple as you might think it may be. When I first started I thought that making a demo reel meant just recording some scenes with your acting coach, or friend, and then making copies of it on VHS and distributing them throughout the agent chain.

However, this process is slightly more complicated that that. Below you will find some very helpful tips that I have gathered, and when put into use, your demo reel will be polished, professional and will showcase your talent effectively without being too forceful.

If you can, use only professional footage. Now, this tip is up for discussion among various industry groups. Some say that you can ONLY put professional footage on your demo reel, while others say that if you don’t have enough professional credits to put on your demo reel, than it is okay to record a scene and put that on your reel. What I have found to be most effective, is putting your professional productions on your demo reel. This can become challenging when you haven’t worked enough, or haven’t been features, in a professional production.

We’ll get to that in a moment, however, first, let’s discuss what you SHOULD put on your demo reel. When compiling your footage, make sure that you only feature clips that have you in them. If there is a long scene you were apart of, ensure you are the focus of this scene. Agents, producers or casting directors don’t want to watch a few minutes of someone else talking in order to see you.

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This demo reel is all about YOU, and not about the other actors. Sometimes you can’t help but have a few other actors on your reel, and this is okay – but only in extreme moderation. This may take some editing to do so, however, only choose the works that YOU are featured in. You can include footage from ACTUAL television shows, film or commercials. If you have done an industrial video, you may include a short clip from that if you feel that your performance is beneficial to showing your range as an actor.

But, what if you haven’t done any of the above, and yet an agent is still requesting a demo reel. In this case, inform the agent – if they don’t already know – that you haven’t been featured on any professional productions as of yet. After discussing this with them, they may instruct you to make a short clip of a scene with someone else. If this is the case, make sure that camera is stationary on you the entire time. Also, find a HIGH QUALITY CAMERA.

I can’t express this enough. Don’t just use the standard, grainy, camera. If you have to, go out and rent a high-definition camera from your local rent-a-product company. This will allow you to record your scene in a high-quality format, adding a level of professionalism that would otherwise be left out. However, only do this when instructed. If you don’t have any professional production footage, start working harder. Because not only do you want to build up your resume, but you also want to build up your demo reel.

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· Include your best material in the beginning. More than likely whoever is watching your demo reel has about a hundred other demo reels to view, thus the outcome that they will watch the entire video is extremely slim. This is why you MUST put your strongest pieces of footage first. Pick the scenes that showcase your raw talent as an actor in the beginning. After these scenes, then put the secondary scenes in. But this is the most important step, because if you put a “so-so” scene first, the likelihood of having the agent or casting director view any further is very slim. Most agents, producers or casting directors know about an actor’s talent within the first few moments of viewing a demo reel. So ensure that that the first thing they see of you is perfect and professional.

· Don’t use any stage performances, unless you’re making the demo reel for a theatrical agent. This is very important. Your demo reel must have a flow to it, and if you have a commercial, film and then a television role followed by a production of Rent, you’re not going to get the results you want. Yes, it is good that you can do both film, television and theater, however, when the agent you are approaching doesn’t do theater, having them watch you on the stage is pointless. Plus, the video quality of most theatrical performances is extremely poor. This will make your demo reel look amateurish and is both an annoyance and an inconvenience for the agent/casting director that is viewing your reel. Keep all of your material of the same style. If you are sending your demo reel to a theatrical agent or casting director, than it is appropriate to only include your stage performances, but if not, steer clear from them.

·. However, for those of you who aren’t technically inclined, finding a company that specializes in demo reels is perfect. This is an extra cost, and depending on who you go through, it can cost a pretty penny. However, search the Internet or your local arts newspaper for demo reel reproduction companies. You will more-than-likely find one at a great rate that does equally great work. This will help keep your demo reel looking polished and extremely professional – which is key in this business.

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· Keep your demo reel at an appropriate time length. Your demo reel should never be longer than 7 minutes. The ideal demo reel length will fall between 4 to 7 minutes. However, it is okay if your reel is shorter than that. As long as it is long enough to show whoever is watching it your talent and ability as an actor, which is sufficient. There is a motto that I live by when dealing with demo reels, “The shorter, the sweeter.” This is because I fully understand the lives of industry professionals (agents, producers, casting directors, etc.), and it is one that is fully of deadlines, endless phone calls, e-mails and conferences. Whenever they sit down to view new material, they need it to go by quickly. So if your demo reel is polished, professional and is a perfect time, than you will most likely make an impression that is going to last. Whenever you’re compiling your demo reel, keep in mind, “If I had a thousand things to do on the day that I watch this, will I be able to grasp who I am, my talents and abilities within the first minute or two?” If you answer is “no,” than keep working on your reel. Yet, if your answer is “yes,” congratulations, you have just made a successful demo reel.