The Business Casual Style Dress Code

When you came among those who work you must give up the casual outfit that you were used to choose every day and opt for a formal one.That was once … times have changed since then.Nowadays most companies, starting from the smallest to the very large ones, have adopted a new type of dress code, the business casual dress code. Other companies allow their employees to dress in this way regardless of what day of the week is. Regardless of your work, you probably ask what is that business casual dress code. To help you solve this dilemma we will try to define the style that gains more and more followers among many large companies.

The business casual style is not defined by elegant suits, heels and stockings.This type of clothing has been replaced by another that includes more comfortable clothes.A business casual outfit means clean, decent clothes, but elegant enough for business and business meetings.In other words, the clothes should be comfortable and easy to wear.

Clothes that are not part of the business casual style:

– Suit pants – Search for dark colored pants that are made from materials such as easy or dusk wool.Opt for a classic style, a panty that is very simple and has defined lines.

– Earth-colored pants– Choose ones that are included somewhere between sport style and elegant style.Materials they should be made of are wool and cotton;

– Pullover sets or simple pullovers-Instead of trying a jacket, try a business style pullover, that can be casual at the same time.It will make you seem a competent and stylish woman, even if you are not very formally dressed.If you dare, you can choose a sweater with a cleavage in the form of V with three-quarter sleeves and you will surely impress.

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– Classic shirts are an option for women who adopt a more classic look and who like to be very feminine;

– Search for sandals or shoes that cover your legs as much as possible and that are very comfortable. Heels should not be very high. In this way you will be able to face some very long days of work without having problems regarding the foot pain.Sandals and leather shoes are the most adequate types of shoes for business casual style;

– Straight skirts in the form of ‘A’– Any skirt that fits you well and that is enough elegant for a day at office.Its length should be somewhere up to the knees.Do not choose a very short skirt, but neither a very long one.

Clothes that we should avoid wear at work:

– Jeans – jeans don’t have a formal aspect for a business meeting or for going to work.Before wearing them ask your boss if such an outfit is aloud.If he say that there is no problem, remember that printed jeans are not suitable.

– Very short skirts – I’m too sexy for work. Our advice is to keep them for weekends or for meeting with your lover;

– Very tight pullovers or those that are very low-cut should be avoided and kept along with the short skirts foe the weekend.

– Very worn, soiled or crumpled clothes don’t make a good impression and they are not suitable for a business casual dress code;

– Very sexy shoes or sport shoes should be avoided.