The Best Non-Drowsy Allergy Medications for Work

Each year millions of people suffer from seasonal allergies. The sneezing, runny nose and watery eyes are enough to make you want to stay in bed. Unfortunately, life must go on. That’s why you must find a non-drowsy medication that allows you to make it work safely. Having suffered from allergies since I was a young child, I have tried several different types of non-drowsy medications. Still, there are only three that I trust to keep me symptom-free. Claritin, Sudafed PE and Sudafed are popular non-drowsy medications that everyone has heard of, but they’re also brands that actually do what they claim to do.

I started taking Claritin because I was looking for a non-drowsy medication that would last for 24 hours. My allergies are so severe in the spring that I had to take other brands every four hours. Whether you’re suffering from a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing or watery eyes, Claritin can relieve you of those symptoms for a full 24 hours. What I really like about Claritin is that it is a prescription strength non-drowsy medication. At one time, you had to have a prescription to obtain this type of relief. Thankfully, you can now find Claritin in almost any retail store, pharmacy and grocery store. The only thing I don’t like about this non-drowsy medication is that it can be quite pricy. A 10-count package will cost around $10. Regardless, this remains my medicine of choice.

Before I began taking Claritin, I depended on Sudafed PE. Sudafed PE relieves all the common symptoms you may encounter when suffering from seasonal allergies. Everything from sinus pressure to nasal congestion can be soothed with this popular non-drowsy medication. There is even a Sudafed PE Headache that will help relieve those horrible sinus headaches. A 24-count package of Sudafed PE will cost about $7. While I have had some success with Sudafed PE and still use it from time to time, it’s nothing like regular Sudafed.

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Sudafed was my non-drowsy medication of choice until it was placed behind pharmacy counters. You don’t need a prescription to obtain Sudafed, but if you have severe allergies, like I do, you may have a hard time getting the amount you need. In my opinion, Sudafed was one of the best non-drowsy allergy medications ever made. Unfortunately, people started using it to make Methamphetamine. In order to obtain Sudafed, you must now show your ID and are limited in the amount you can buy. While I do find that Sudafed is the most superior non-drowsy allergy medication, I no longer use it because it is inconvenient. If you’re still interested in Sudafed, you will be happy to know that a 24-count package will only cost around $7.

All of these non-drowsy medications are available in store-brand versions. I have tried these versions and must admit that they work just as well. If price is an issue, don’t be afraid to try store brand versions that contain the same active ingredients.