The Best Herbs for Oily Skin

Oily skin is one of the most common skin complaints. On the positive side this skin type is not as prone to premature wrinkles and fine lines as other skin types. The major problem, however, with oily skin is acne. Excess oil production is the primary cause of pimples. There are a handful of excellent herbs for oily skin that you can use to effectively balance oil production, remove excess oil and prevent blemishes from developing. Try these herbal teas and topical remedies to balance oily skin and control blemishes.

Herbal Teas

Drinking cleansing, nourishing herbal teas is one route to clearer, more balanced skin. Herbs such as burdock root and red clover are perfect for oily skin and acne. Red clover is often recommended for chronic skin conditions because it acts to normalize a state of imbalance in the bloodstream, thereby helping to detoxify the body of excess toxins and reduce breakouts. Burdock root has the same effect and has anti-bacterial properties as well. Drink an herbal infusion of one or both herbs once a day for two weeks at a time to improve skin tone. Always talk to your doctor before using herbs if you have any medical conditions or if you are taking any prescription medications.

Herbal Toners

Instead of using commercial toners, which often contain alcohol and tend to dry out the skin, try nature’s solutions for oily skin – the astringent herbs witch hazel and rose. With a cotton ball or cloth, wash away dirt, oil and bacteria with either distilled witch hazel or rose water. Witch hazel in particular is an excellent herb for absorbing oil, without drying out the skin. Both will tighten pores and leave the skin feeling less oily.

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An Herbal Facial Sauna to Balance Oily Skin

Herbs for oily skin can also be used through a stream treatment. Warm steam will temporarily open pores to release excess oil and dirt. The cleansing, balancing properties of the herbs are at the same time absorbed into the skin. Lemongrass and lavender work well together to balance oily skin. Lavender acts as an antiseptic and has a calming, normalizing effect on the skin. Lemongrass has astringent properties and will tighten pores.

To make an herbal sauna to treat oily skin, simmer four tablespoons in total of dried lavender and lemongrass in about four cups of water. Pour the infusion into a glass bowl and keep your face close to the rising steam for about ten minutes. Rinse with cool water and air dry. Use this treatment twice a week to help tone and balance the skin.

All of these herbs are useful for improving skin tone and helping to normalize the skin’s oil production. Used regularly, you will notice a more refreshed, cleaner face.


Balch, Phyllis A. ” Prescription for Nutritional Healing.” Fourth Edition (Penguin Books, 2006).

Hoffmann, David. The Complete Illustrated Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies.” (Element Books, 1996).