The Best Giant Guard Dog Breeds

If you need a dog to protect and watch over your property, your best bet is to go with the giant guard dog breeds. While just about any breed of dog can make a good watch dog, these big dogs will work best as effective deterrents simply because of their size. No special training will be needed for these guys, since their mere presence in most cases will suffice. Indeed, having a giant dog patrolling your property is pretty much like having a security officer on site 24/7.

One of the most important traits to look for in giant guard dog breeds is their ability to be discriminating. This means that a good guard dog must be able to tell the difference between a friend and a foe. A true guard dog must be friendly to most people, but its attitude must change as soon as something threatening or out of place occurs. This is when the guard dog attitude should take over.

It is a myth that good guard dogs must act aggressive upon seeing strangers. Truth is, good guard dogs are easy-going, non-reactive dogs that have been socialized well. A dog that feels like there are threats everywhere and engages in aggressive displays towards strangers is not a good guard dog prospect, explains Pam Young, a professional dog trainer. These are dogs operating on fear, whereas good guard dogs are confident dogs. Owning a fearful guard dog is basically like having a loaded gun that can go off for no plausible reason. A big liability, indeed!

Most property owners need a watch dog rather than a guard dog. The main difference between the two is that watch dogs are dogs that bark and alert the owners about any suspicious activity. Most dogs do this naturally, when they bark at people at the door or around the yard. Guard dogs are trained to attack or restrain the intruder; this is something that only professional, reputable dog trainers should train a dog to do.

If you want an intimidating looking dog, you certainly cannot go wrong with these guys. Their natural territorial instincts and size will work great, but remember that good protection dogs must be well socialized and have a well rounded, stable temperament.

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What Are Giant Dog Breeds?

Now that the concept of a guard dog has been explained, it is time to understand what the term ”giant breed”’ encompasses. A giant breed is basically a dog whose height and overall weight places it at the largest end of all dog breeds. There are really no universal measurements to resort to in order to classify dogs into this category, but dogs over 100 pounds are generally considered ”giant”.

These are breeds that grow quite rapidly but take a bit longer to mature into their full potential when compared to other dog breeds. These breeds are generally mellow and may require less exercise when compared to smaller dogs. However, they tend to eat much more and are prone to developing joint problems. Their life expectancy is also shorter than smaller breeds. Many giant dog breeds are known for their protective nature, which makes them good watch dog candidates.

Best Giant Guardian Dog Candidates

  • Bull Mastiff

The Bull Mastiff was originally used in England in the late 19th century to catch poachers. The breed has a strong guard instinct with the capability of discriminating between friend and foe. If socialized well from puppy hood, this breed learns all about ”good people” so that later when they are mature, they are able to recognize potential ”bad guys” automatically. However, this breed has a good ”wait and see” attitude which causes it to investigate well before deciding what to do.

Typically, this breed runs up to the suspicious intruder and barks and growls in an attempt to discourage the intruder, explains Mona Lindau-Webb, a dog trainer specializing in Bull Mastiffs and operating in Los Angeles. Typically, the dog will also take a few moments to evaluate the circumstance. This usually deters an intruder. However, if worse comes to worse, upon being confronted, the breed will use its weight to shove and may eventually bite as the last sequence of its guardian behaviors. A well socialized and obedience trained Bull Mastiff poses no threat to the general public and will not go into a guard attitude unless provoked. Based on size alone, with its heavy amount of bulk and muscle, this dog will deter most ill-intentioned intruders in their tracks.

  • Great Pyrenees
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This is a guard dog at heart, since throughout the years this breed was mainly used as a livestock guardian dog. Born as a white fluffy furball, this dog grows to be devoted to its family and home, causing its natural-born instinct to guard and protect to eventually kick in. This breed however is not the easiest to train since it has a history of being left alone with the sheep up in the mountain valley . This means this breed is not used to taking commands easily and can be quite independent. This breed also has a tendency to bark and mostly at night, which can create problems when living in an urban environment. This breed may appear intimidating to intruders both for size and disposition.

  • Anatolian Shepherd Dog

This is a pretty bold breed that has a strong guarding instinct deep in its genes. The Anatolian is native of Turkey and was bred specifically to match in size and color the livestock he protected so predators were unable to detect him amidst the flock. This breed is suspicious of strangers and extremely possessive and protective or his flock or family. This breed can reach up to 150 pounds, therefore can appear quite intimidating. Like other guard dog breeds Anatolians require proper socialization and training so to distinguish a real threat from a non threat. Left untrained, this breed may become over protective and aggressive. Anatolians are independent dogs that may have a tendency to bark, especially at night.

  • Neapolitan Mastiff

This dog’s looks can be unnerving and will discourage the most bold intruders. For no reason this breed was used in battle and as guardians in the past. Weighing up to 200 pounds and with a guard dog predisposition, this breed can make an excellent guard dog. He will defend his people with ferocity if need be. His intimidating stare directed towards strangers will generally suffix, but in truth, this breed is far from being aggressive without cause. He will be alert of his surroundings, most of the day, even when he appears to be relaxing.

  • Tibetan Mastiff
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This breed is a serious working dog, that is very territorial. As a livestock guardian, Tibetan Mastiffs are fiercely protective of their possessions, and will make their own decisions on who to claim a friend or a foe. For this reason, this breed requires an assertive owner to take charge of situations. The breed not only looks intimidating, but also tends to bark with a deep voice, and indeed this alert dog may engage in barking episodes in the night when on patrol over his territory. However, his imposing look can be deceiving since this breed usually resorts to aggression only when provoked.

  • Other Potential Giant Guard Dog Breeds

There are also several other giant breeds that are not really predisposed to being guard dogs, but that due to their size can be quite effective deterrants when they bark.The Saint Bernard, for instance, does not really make the best guard dog because of its friendly demeanor, but because of its size, with specimens often reaching up to 180 pounds, their big barks (which by the way, are mostly founded) can be quite intimidating. The same goes with Newfoundlands, dogs with a very sweet disposition but an intimidating look. Great Danes are also gentle giants, but can be quite impressive as a deterrant when they stand tall and still, whilst barking.

Giant guard dog breeds may be excellent guard dogs, but all require the same ingredients to make them safe and stable: loads of socialization, a good amount of obedience training and firm leadership. Put all this together and very likely you will have a great dog that will protect you and your property as needed.

