The Best ‘Fill Out Surveys for Money’ Website

If you’re like me, you have tried some of those websites that say you can make money by filling out surveys. I tried out a few of ‘these fill out surveys for money’ sites about a year ago and like many other people failed to qualify for most of them, and gave up. What happens is you start to fill the survey out and if you don’t meet the criteria they are looking for the survey ends and you don’t get paid. If you do qualify you are likely to only get paid a dollar or two.

A little over a month ago I heard about a ‘fill out surveys for money‘ website called Survey Savvy. I heard that it pays better than the rest. So I signed up and filled out my member portrait. Now, the member portrait is the key to making some pretty good money filling out surveys. Whatever you do, make sure that you fill yours out. You will still get offers to fill out surveys without it but you won’t get as many and odds are you won’t qualify for some.

What is the member portrait? Basically you just answer a lot of questions about yourself. This helps Survey Savvy know your interests and skills which allows them to send you targeted surveys. This means that you are more likely to qualify for the surveys that you are offered. In about a month with Survey Savvy there has only been one survey that I haven’t qualified for. If you have knowledge of technology like computers or electronic gadgets that should help you get some great survey offers. The best paying offers I have received have dealt with computers so that is something you should keep in mind when filling out your member portrait.

See also  The Pros and Cons of Paid Surveys

The best thing about Survey Savvy is that not all the surveys that you complete will be for one or two dollars. Just two days ago I got a check in the mail from Survey Savvy for $20. And that $20 was just for ONE survey! The next day I was sent a survey that I completed for $10 and I expect that check to come any day now. I have made over $50 so far in the first month filling out surveys at Survey Savvy. Pretty good for just a few minutes a day.

I definitely recommend Survey Savvy to anyone looking to make a little extra money. Survey Savvy takes away the frustration that you get from other ‘fill out surveys for money’ websites that make it hard to qualify for what end up to be low paying surveys. To get started just go to and sign up. And don’t forget to fill out that member portrait!
