The Benefits of Shopping Online Vs Retail Stores

We all like to shop; sometimes we shop way too much. When people go shop for one item they usually buy 10 which leads to spending so much money. There are so many stores around the world that we can go to these days; one especially that takes all our money is the dollar store. Nowadays, though people shop online which is a great way to reduce stress and save money, sometimes at least. In this article I will explain the good and bad of shopping in stores via online and let you be the judge of which one is better.

The first topic I will discuss is purchasing items online and in retail stores. When we go to a store to purchase an item, we usually find the item and then go purchase it. Though along the way we may see other items to purchase which can lead to more spending and cause more stress. Another topic about purchasing items in a store is sometimes the item may be sold out and then you have to go to another store or find it online. This brings us to online shopping, online shopping can be very useful and save you much time and stress though it does have its flaws as well. When a store is out of an item and no other stores in your area have that item one of the pluses of online is you can fall back to it for help finding that item. Sometimes online will be sold out as well but the good thing is you can always do used items shopping. When you using used items shopping you can sometimes save money and also you can purchase new used items that have not been opened. When using online shopping you can also get deals on items such as free shipping, no tax, and find exclusive items only available online, even though at a store it requires no shipping unless it’s an appliance. Another good reason to shop online instead of in a store is that in a retail store most items can be expensive and online the same item will be a few dollars less brand new.

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The next topic I will discuss is the stress of online and in store shopping. The first stress topics we will discuss is about retail shopping. When shopping in a store you have to deal with, long lines, ignorant customers, bad customer service, price checking, driving to the store, unpacking your stuff when you get home, kids crying at the store for toys, high prices for certain items, and so on. All these are situations that happen in everyday life for people all over the world. For some people they are not too stressful but can still be a pain, online shopping is better but is also stressful. The stressful factors you have to deal with when shopping online are having to pay shipping costs, having to wait a week or more for item, having to pay expensive shipping costs for next day delivery, items being sold out, having to pay high prices for older items, and so on. So basically the worst parts of shopping in a retail store is bad customer service, long lines, etc. and with online shopping its high prices for shipping.

The next topic I will discuss is the good reasons for shopping online and in store shopping. The first good topic we will discuss is about retail shopping. When shopping in a retail store some pluses are finding the item and buying it right away, no shipping costs unless it’s an appliance, you can try on clothes before buying, and so on. The good reasons for shopping online are no long lines, no bad customer service, no price checking, no customers, no driving to a store, and so on. So shopping online and in a store can be good and bad for many reasons depending on your likeness and stress level.

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The final topic I will discuss is will online or retail store save you more money. When you really think about it these two shopping choices the main difference is which will be cheaper. When you shop at a retail store you pay full price and tax for an item, different stores have different prices. Most retail stores are generally in the same price range except for wholesale stores which are a little big cheaper. Online prices are usually cheaper than retail stores for some items such as DVDs, and music. Online you also can get discounts as free shipping over a certain price range, which also on some sites takes away tax. When getting free shipping and no tax though it usually means you have to wait a week or so, but if that means no tax or shipping then it’s worth it. So it’s all a point of view to the customer if you don’t mind waiting a while I believe online purchasing is cheaper and a lot less stressful.

Once you have read these topics over I hope they will help you make the best choice possible with shopping. Shopping can be fun and also stressful but you can make it fun and enjoyable also with understanding the fundamentals. So good luck with your shopping experience and be safe.