The Benefits of Aquatic Exercise

Swimming is not only fun but it can be a great way to shed some extra weight, tone and strengthen muscles, and even improve cardiovascular health.Because water increases your bodys buoyancy you will feel less pain in your joints and the resistance is ten times greater than air. There are many benefits of aquatic exercise and many forms you can particpate in. Whether you are looking for aerobics or strength training water is the perfect vessel for physical activity. If you want to include aquatics into your exercise routine here are some suggestions and tips.

Including water activities into your daily routine can be easy. First, use a gym that has pool access or find a local pool to use. Your home pool is also a fine place to workout and is readily available any time of day. There are devices like foam dumbells, aqua joggers, aerobic water steps, and kick boards that you may like to try once you are used to working out in the water.

When you first try aquatic exercise take the time to learn how your body feels in the water. Experiment with the resistance by pushing and pulling against the water with your limbs. Flex your feet and hands to feel the difference it makes in the amount of drag. Walk or jog through waist deep to neck deep water to feel how your body pushes and pulls against the water. Once you are comfortable you are ready to begin a workout.

There are many methods for working out in the water. Aquatic exercise is basically any movement waist deep or higher water. In the water you have the chance to work on cardiovascular, strength, flexibility, and toning. Your aquatic exercise program should be suited to fit your needs but should also give you room to grow and improve. Many local pools and swimming facilities offer community water aerobics or exercise classes but it is also something you can do without much assistance.

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If you are familiar with workout methods you can create your own routine for the pool. Sit ups can be done in the water by placing your lower legs and feet over the edge. You can have a partner hold them if you are not comfortable or have trouble keeping on the poolside. When doing sit ups in the water you should fully extend until your body is completely vertical and then rise as you would with a regular sit up. It helps to blow bubbles under the water so you don’t get water up your nose.

Jogging can also be done in the water, with or without the assistance of the aqua belt jogger. The belt is made of a blue foam and helps you create a higher buoyancy in deeper water. If you do not have one or prefer not to use it just jog until the water reaches your neckline. You can also jog backwards to work other groups of muscles on your legs. Leg lifts, bicep curls, and squats are also great exercisese for the water. Pull ups can be done on the edge of a diving board or the side of the pool in deep water.

If there is no diving board you can also use a starting or diving block as long as it is a permanent structure. Dancing is also great in the water because it allows your body freedom of movement but you still experience resistance. Aerobics can also be great for cardiovascular training and is twice as much fun in the water.

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Other than the outward physical benefits of aquatic exercise it can also help impove your health. You can increase endurance, help control your weight, and you can keep your heart, blood vessels, and lungs healthy too. As with all aerobic exercise you heart will pump more oxygenated blood to your tissues and major organs with each beat. Over time the heart will become stronger and you will notice improved circulation. Aquatic exercise can also help you burn more calories, improve your mood, and help create lean muscle tissue. Because the waters resistance is so great on the body it helps improve strength and flexibility.

For those who tend to get overheated during exercise, you may find it very refreshing to work out in cool water instead of a hot gym. Workouts in warm water can help with circulation and ease sore muscles. Often, aquatic exercise is used as a sports therapy for all kinds of leg, ankle, and foot injuries.Water is great for rehabilitation and may be very helpful for those suffering with physical deformties.

The best thing about working out in the water is anybody can do it. Whether you are big or small, short or tall you can do it. Even if you just want to swim laps a couple of times a week it’s enough to make a difference in the way you look and feel.

You should try to set up and follow an aquatic workout at least 3-4 times a week. Try to spend at least 30 minutes working out in the water with at least 12 minutes at an accelerated heart rate. Each week you should try to increase the intensity of your work out. Do more repititions, do a few more laps, and a couple more sit ups each time.

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Overtime your muscles will be stronger and you will find your endurance has increased. After a few weeks time you should be able to repeat movements requiring greater strength. Water exercise can also help improve your range of motion, posture, muscle tone, and help reduce joint pain. Good muscle tone and flexibility will allow you to move freely without fear of injury or pain. You should always stretch post work out and it can be done in the water too.