The Benefits of an Usborne Book Fair

Have you heard of Usborne Books? If so, you know they are high-quality children’s books that are fun and educational. Usborne Books are a great resource for home schooling families or just for your home library. Although the company is primarily known for its direct selling through home shows, Usborne Book independent consultants can also provide your group or organization with book fairs, reading incentive programs, and grant matching programs.

Today let’s focus on the book fairs. Usborne book fairs are great for many reasons! First of all, an Usborne consultant handles the whole thing! They don’t ship you books and let you set them up and find volunteers to sell books all day – they do it all! Someone will come in and set up a display and man the ordering (or if you wish, you can have your own staff do the selling).

There are two options when you sign up to have an Usborne book fair: order only or inventory cash and carry. If you decide to hold an order only book fair, the display will consist of one copy of each title (the number of Usborne titles depends on your agreement with the consultant). Your Usborne consultant will place the order for all books, sort them for each buyer, label the bags for easy distribution, and deliver the bags to you.

If you opt to do a cash and carry event with a full line of inventory you will need to find an Usborne consultant who is able to do so. Those who are just starting typically won’t have the inventory on hand and would much rather do order only events.

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Now let’s talk about the benefits! Your group or organization will receive free books based on the sales of your Usborne book fair. In order to qualify as a book fair and receive free shipping you need at least $200 in sales. With sales between $200 and $499 you will receive 25% of the sales in free Usborne books. With sales over $500 you will receive 50% in free books! Organizations that feel like they have no use for these free books will often donate them to a local children’s organization. Usborne book fairs truly are a win-win situation!

Some Usborne book consultants may offer a cash option if you chose to run your Usborne book fair as a fundraiser. Typically sales need to be over $750 for this option to be presented to your organization.

Usborne book consultants have the right to run their business as they chose so these numbers may not be the exact ones that everyone will offer. If you’re interested in more information about Usborne books please check out From this site you can order books or you can contact an Usborne consultant to request more information on a book fair.