The Absolute Best Way to Shave Your Legs

Shaving your legs every day can be a real pain. Beyond the time factor involved, there are the razor burns, cuts, and prickly feelings that all come along with it. Aside waxing them or buying nasty creams to eliminate the hair totally, there aren’t many options out there aside not shaving at all or shaving every single day…is there anything you can do to shave less and still have awesome legs? Actually, there are a few simple tips you can utilize to accomplish wonderfully shaved legs without all the effort. Find out how!

To minimize shaving, using a great blade is a start. You want to replace your razor after a few shaves, or when it doesn’t resist when you run it along your fingertip. If your razor is dull, it won’t cut hair close to the shaft, leaving you like a prickly pear way sooner than you should and upping your risk of razor burn and cuts. You can easily resharpen a dull razor by running it along old denim or a wet washcloth (this removes gunk and hair that is making your razor dull).

Replacing razors after just a few shaves can be costly, however. To make your razor work its best even when it’s dull, run it along a bar of soap to draw out gunk, hair, and other debris, then run it along a wet or dry washcloth. This way, even a dull razor can last longer, and you won’t find yourself going broke trying to stay silky smooth.

For the closest shave, which will leave you silky smooth for days, shave at the end of your shower or bath, not when you first get in. The longer you let that warm water open up your hair follicles, the more hair gets exposed for shaving. With your super-sharp razor ready to go, you can cut even closer than you would have before, catching hair that wouldn’t appear until your next shave. You can shave other areas of your body (including face) this way as well. You can find yourself shaving up to half as often- and who can complain about that!

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Want to shave less and avoid those razor burn at the exact same time? ‘Train’ your skin to not get razor burn to begin with by shaving just with water! Simply exfoliate your skin prior to shaving with either a loofah or a body wash with exfoliating beads (I just use a bar of soap and a dash of sugar for exfoliation) and shave your residue-free skin with a simple razor and water! This toughens up your skin against razor burn and leaves your skin super-smooth all around!

Another great reason to just use water instead of soap or shaving cream? You have more control over your razor and your razor can cut closer to your skin when you just use water. Without anything interfering with your hair and your razor when you just use water, you have a greater chance of getting all the hair removed while not cutting yourself or suffering from razor burn at the same time.


how I shave