The Ab Diet – Diets for Showing Off

The problem any diet is that you cannot find one that specifically targets one area of the body. What IS possible is a proper diet and exercise regimen to aid in reducing over all fat content in your body, resulting in a loss of pounds as well as inches. One such diet is the Ab diet.

The Ab diet is really quite simple. The Ab diet is so simple in fact that most people have a difficult time believing it could possible work. You have to keep in mind that your overall focus on the Ab diet should be focused on lowering the fat levels on your body. Once you begin losing weight on the Ab diet, it will come off in different areas of your body, you are not able to pick and choose these areas, but it will come off.

Due to the fact that most people carry an excess of fat in their abdominal area, most people already have good abdominal muscles, they are only being covered by a layer of fatty tissue. Get rid of the fat, and the muscles will be visible. The Ab Diet is what will assist you in focusing on losing the pounds and inches to show off those abs of steel.

With the Ab diet, you are actually adding a fat loss diet to your lifestyle. The proper body fat level for men is 8% and for women is 14%. Until you are able to maintain these respective levels, your body will carry this extra weight, thus hiding the muscles you DO have. This Abs diet should include carefully controlling what foods you eat. Increasing your protein intake is important to building muscles to burn the fat. Sugars really have no place in any Ab diet or any other diet for that matter, so cutting them out of our normal diet is definitely encouraged. Dairy intake and saturated fats should be lowered to a bare minimum with the Ab diet. It is safe to keep the higher portion of your fat intake coming from the essential fatty acids (EFA’s) which are our omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids while on the Ab diet.

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Keeping track of your calories consumed on the Ab diet is another way to control what you eat to achieve maximum fat loss. The easiest way to process this information and make it work best for you on the Ab diet, “burn more calories than you eat. This way of thinking on the Ab diet, results in your body burning excess fat for energy once it has burned what you have eaten. Even though you spread your eating throughout the day, it is not difficult to maintain a low calorie count. Maintain a steady weight loss on the Ab diet, do not go too fast. If you have lowered your calories to a ridiculous low level on the Ab diet, you may start to burn muscle tissue instead of fat. Keep in mind that moderation is the key to what you eat and when on the Ab diet.