The 5 Worst US Presidents

While every U.S. president strives for greatness not everyone succeeds. Sometimes the pressure of the job is too much and the wrong decisions are made. Where will George W. Bush and Barack Obama stand in the annals of American history? Only time will tell. For now here is my list of the five worst presidents in U.S. history. Brought to you by a history buff and avid collector of political memorabilia.

5) Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
Nixon once said the American “people have got to know whether or not their president’s a crook.” Well Warren G Harding was a crook (or at least surrounded himself with crooks). The Tea Top Dome scandal rocked his administration as the “Ohio Gang” in his administration took brides in exchange for handing out oil concessions. In foreign affairs Harding was a staunch isolationist. He signed the Treaty of Versailles but then kept the US out of the affairs of the Europe and the World during the critical post War period. His untimely death in 1923 of a heart attack probably saved him from further embarrassment and disgrace.

4) Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)
He stole an election, ended Reconstruction and called out Federal troops on striking US workers. Rutherford B Hayes is now considered one of America’s worst Presidents, but that was not always the case. In the 1948 poll of US Presidents conducted by historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Rutherford B. Hayes ranked #13 out of 29. Since then the historical estimate of him has greatly declined. The 2009 C-SPAN poll ranked him #33 out of 42. The main reason for his decline in our historical estimation is our changed view on the meaning and importance of Reconstruction. Hayes came to office in the disputed election of 1876. His opponent Samuel J. Tilden won the popular vote by about 250,000 (out of 8.5 million cast ballots) but the electoral votes of 4 states were in dispute. To settle that dispute Republicans promised Southern Democrats if Hayes became president, he would pull federal troops out of the South and end Reconstruction. The ending of Reconstruction led to the passage of Jim Crow laws and the creation of segregation in America.

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3) Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
You think you pay too much taxes now? Top income tax rates under Carter were 70%! Inflation was in the double digits, Iran was taking US hostages, The Soviets were invading Afghanistan and oil prices were through the roof. America was suffering from “malaise” and the country’s economic policy was being mishandled. Add to that his Carter’s post presidency coddling of Hamas terrorist and Jimmy Carter makes the list as one of America’s worst Presidents

2) Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)
He raised taxes and started a trade war in the mist of an economic downturn and caused a Depression. (President Obama please take note of this!). Hoover passed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 which raised tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels and help kill World trade. According to US Government statistics after the passage of Smoot-Hawley imports into the US by fell by 66% while exports out of the US decreased by 61%. Hoover also passed massive tax increases. Hoover’s Revenue Act of 1932 doubled the estate tax, increased corporate taxes by 15% and raised top income tax rates from 25% to 63%. His mismanaged of the US economy made the Great Depression worse and doomed his Presidency and his legacy.

1) James Buchanan (1857-1861)
James Buchanan was a pro-Slavery Northerner who incompetently sat on his hands while the country spun towards secession and civil war. He was considered corrupt and tried to start a war with Utah. His Presidency was a complete disaster which is probably why even the gay community refuses to claim this life long bachelor as one of their own.

See also  Our Worst President -- and No it is Not George W. Bush
