The $100 Wedding: How to Upgrade from a Courthouse Quickie to a Wedding to Remember

There are lots of articles about getting married “on the cheap,” but in today’s wedding industry, “cheap” is considered to begin at $1000! This article is intended for the couple who does not have significant extra money that describes a way to have a wedding plus reception for a group of up to 24 people for $100, using principles of wedding planning from the 1920’s-1960’s.

The $100 Wedding…

If you are a bride-to-be (or groom-to-be) who wants a wedding and reception for your closest friends and family, but you want to keep your costs minimal, the $100 Wedding may be for you.

If you are will to do a bit of work yourself (and perhaps enlist the help of your family members and friends), you really CAN have a wedding and reception for $100.

Here is how it is done:

1. Wedding license- This costs around $30 in most states and is mandatory. There is no way to get around this expense if you want to be legally married.

$100 -30= $70.00 remaining

2. Wedding Venue- The wedding venue does not have to be the justice of the peace’s office to be free. In fact, many of our parents and grandparents got married in their parents or relative’s homes,in the living room of their pastor or in the chapel at their church. These are all still free options today. Additionally, consider public parks, beaches and gardens. If you are not setting up for a reception and just want to run in with 2 dozen people and get married in a 20 minute ceremony, you usually do not need a permit or to pay a fee. Fees and permits are usually required when you have any sort of “set up” (chairs, chuppah, flowers, etc.) or want to cordone the area off for the privacy of your party. If you just go and get married without requiring a set up or privacy, most places that already offer free admission will not charge you anything. Of course, you can call and ask, just to make sure.
Other possible free venues include your backyard or that of a friend or family member, the public space in front of an historical building or landmark or, if either of you are in the military, somewhere beautiful on base.

See also  Pink and Chocolate Wedding Decorations

$70.00- FREE= $70.00 remaining

3. Wedding Officiant- If you do not have a regular clergyperson or a friend who is a judge, it is easy to find a “Wedding Officiant” or “Wedding Celebrant”. Trouble is, they charge…a lot! How can you get around this expense?
Here are your options:
1. Ask your preacher/priest/pastor/rabbi if you attend a church or synagogue. If you personally do not attend and your parents do, have them ask their clergyperson. Generally, a clergyperson receives a donation. However, if you go to them and get married in their study or a chapel, sometimes they will waive this if you have explained your situation. If they will not, don’t fret. Just try one of the other options.
2. Have a friend or family member get authorized to marry you. Some states allow an individual to become deputized as a marriage commissioner for just one day in order to perform a marriage for friends or a family member. Most other states allow a person who has become registered as an approved officiant to legally marry a couple. Rules vary from state to state as to what proof is required from the officiant, but any legal adult can become one. The cost to do so runs from free to about $40, and the sign up can be done online. How to avoid any charges? Ask the friend or family member doing the marrying to consider those charges your wedding gift, if he or she cannot find a free signup.

$70.00- FREE= $70.00 remaining

4. Dress- Wear the prettiest one you own. Or borrow one from a friend or family member. Traditionally, people (except the very rich) have always been married in the best clothes they own, not in clothes purchased to be worn once and never again. A practice that is not only practical, but environmentally sound as well.

$70.00- FREE= $70.00 remaining

5. Rings- Sterling silver rings are easy to find, are inexpensive, and can be very stylish and beautiful.You can shop online or in real stores and find them for under $10/each.

$70.00- 20.00= $50.00 remaining

6. Flowers- There is nothing like carrying a bouquet, however simple, to make a bride feel like a bride. Most cities and towns have “wholesale florists”. These wholesale stores almost always have a dozen roses for around $10.00. One single rose would make a perfect boutineirre for the groom, and the others can be tied together with a piece of ribbon or cloth (after the thorns are removed, of course) for the bride to hold. After the ceremony, these flowers can be placed on top of the cake for decoration or used to decorate the food table.

See also  Scandinavian Wedding Traditions

$50.00- 10.00= $40.00 remaining

7. Reception Venue- Think house, backyard, free picnic shelter, church room or free social hall on base (if military). Any place that is both nice and large enough for 2 dozen will do. Your home or yard or that of a family member will probably be your best bet, as you will have easy access to a sink and a refrigerator.

$40.00- FREE= $40.00 remaining

8. Decorations- Use your wedding cake as the centerpiece of the food table. Perhaps you could light a few (existing) candles for ambience. Make sure to cover the table with a pretty cloth, and use real plates and forks (borrow extra if needed).

$40.00- FREE= $40.00 remaining

9. Punch- Since you will not be able to provide a variety of beverages at this price range, an extra special, delicious punch is an absolute must. Make a simple and tasty sherbet punch by using half of an extra large container of lemon-lime-orange sherbet (available at Walmart for 2.69) and pour over it 2- 2 liter bottles of store brand lemon-lime soda (available at most stores for about .70 a bottle). Have 3 extra 2 liters on hand to pour over the remaining half of the sherbet if needed.

$40.00- 6.50= $33.50 remaining

10.The Wedding Cake- Here is your big chance to save LOTS of money and still have a gorgeous cake. Purchase 3 boxes of store-brand cake mix. For something extra special, try a flavor like white chocolate or red velvet. Use 2-8″ cake pans and 2-9″ or (preferably)10″ pans. If you do not own one of these sizes, find a friend or relative who does and borrow them. Prepare cakes according to directions. Once done, stack the two 8″ layer on top of the two larger layers. Frost with 5 large containers of whipped frosting. Do not worry about making the frosting smooth…In fact, do your best to make it look like a cloud- Thick and “swirly”! Finally, take the petals off of two or three roses from your bouquet and liberally sprinkle them over the cake (of course, do not eat). A REAL wedding cake for around $12.00!

See also  Weddings on the Water in Chicago

(Breakdown- 3 boxes of cake mix @ 1.00, 4 large cans of whipped frosting @ 1.50, a dozen eggs@ 2.00, small bottle of generic vegetable oil @ 1.00)

$33.50- 12.00= $21.50 remaining

11. Entertainment- In an age of computers and iPods, a custom playlist can be assembled by the bride and groom to reflect the music that means the most to them, which can be played through the system at the venue chosen or burnt to cd and played through a portable cd player.

$21.50- FREE= $21.50 remaining

12. Reception Menu and Shopping List- Aside from cake and punch, nothing else is actually necessary. However, for a few dollars more, you can upgrade your reception further. If you have a dollar store nearby, a can of cocktail peanuts, a large bag of pastel mints, mayonaise, mustard and relish (total- $5.00). At your budget grocery store, pick up 2 dozen additional eggs (total- $4.00), a generic box of Bisquick-type mix (apx. 2.00), a package of deli ham (around 2.00), a large can of chicken breast meat (3.00) and a container of pimento cheese (apx.2.00), a 2-cup package of sharp cheddar cheese (apx.2.00) and a generic tube of pork sausage (apx. 1.00). Add to this 1 loaves of bread from the bread thrift store (@ .50/each).

From these groceries, you will be able to prepare the following menu…
Homemade biscuits with ham
Homemade biscuits with chicken salad
Pimento cheese finger sandwiches
Hot sausage balls with mayonaise and mustard mixed together for dipping
Deviled eggs
Pastel mints

…along with a rich, delicious ice cream punch and a beautiful wedding cake!

$21.50- 21.50= 0 remaining

Careful planning, along with some creativity, can go a long way when planning on a budget.
Best of luck and love!