Ten Reasons Why You Should Not Buy a Dell Computer

Computers are a necessary part of life in this fast paced world of technology. Whether you need them for your business or personal use, the fact remains that when you buy a computer, price and quality are your two major considerations.

Throught this article I will show you 10 reasons why not to buy a standard computer or laptops from Dell.

Top 10 Reasons Why Not to Buy a Dell Computer: Reason # 1
We have all seen the commercials for standard Dell computers and their cheap pricing. For instance, the computer that only costs $499. This is not exactly what you’re getting however. I know many people who have tried to call for their special offers only to get turned down because Dell doesn’t believe that it “fits your needs. They tell you that they can’t sell you a computer you won’t be happy with and the less expensive models are not “good” enough for you. The computer you want is usually not what you end up getting.

Top 10 Reasons Why Not to Buy a Dell Computer: Reason # 2
So, after being turned down for an affordable model you are told that they need to build you one because all computers they sell at Dell are personalized. $1500 (usually higher) later they have customized a “perfect” system for you.

Top 10 Reasons Why Not to Buy a Dell Computer: Reason # 3
Payment options vary and usually come with a headache a few months down the road. I can not tell you how many times I have heard complaints about Dell’s payment department.

Top 10 Reasons Why Not to Buy a Dell Computer: Reason # 4
A customer had complaints about the shipping and condition of the computer:

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Touch pad was shipped sunken and DVD door crooked. Buttons near the screen (power and sound controls) becomes unresponsive after a month. Screen was scratched by the edge of the keyboard, and paint fell off from the touch pad buttons within the first year. Video card fried after a year. Dell asked me to send it back for non-refundable $200 out-of-warrantee repair to replace the video card, but it was shipped back to me un-repaired because video card was soldered onto the motherboard and cannot be replaced (I wish they knew/told me that before I sent it in). After wasting $200 for nothing, I was lucky to discover a way to make the video card stuck in Power Save mode, which was the only way I could see what was on the screen. Unfortunately, the whole system finally went completely dead within a few months (can’t even see POST screen). ”

Top 10 Reasons Why Not to Buy a Dell Computer: Reason # 5
Customer support leaves something to be desired. Whether it is a technical problem or information about your computer it seems quite difficult to get some worth while help.

Top 10 Reasons Why Not to Buy a Dell Computer: Reason # 6
As far as the laptops many reports came back having to do with shotty assembly. Hinges were flimsy and loose making some models break easily which then costs you money to have fixed.

Top 10 Reasons Why Not to Buy a Dell Computer: Reason # 7
Some computers never actually booted and others had a very short life (approx. 2 years in some cases). So not only did you not get the cheapest model and had to pay a higher price for something else but now you need to pay for an all new model because the support team does not recognize (or care about) these type of problems.

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Top 10 Reasons Why Not to Buy a Dell Computer: Reason # 8
MOTHERBOARDS – this has got to be one of the chief complaints about Dell computers. If, and it is a big if, the motherboard does work at the time you hook it up, chances are it will have a limited life. Frequently buying parts for the computers will get costly.

Top 10 Reasons Why Not to Buy a Dell Computer: Reason # 9
Poor connection is another problem that is frequently complained about. Problems with signals, wiring, etc…are also a negative con where Dell computers are concerned.

Top 10 Reasons Why Not to Buy a Dell Computer: Reason # 10
The warranty on Dell computers do not cover all of the problems that seem to keep happening. Perhaps the biggest complaint, thus far, has got to be “too many loop holes in the warranty”.
