Apple Vs. Dell: Marketing Promotions

Completely immersing yourself in your target market and market strategies can sometimes be confusing. I’ve put together some research on marketing strategies of Dell and Apple. Sometimes it is interesting to examine the promotions of other businesses to see what we can share or take away from the experience.

Apple – MAC ComputerPromotional Activities – On & Off-Line

It is very rare for Apple to have a “sale.” However, there are several discounts available for individuals or businesses. Students in particular are offered 10% off on personal Apple products (limit one type of product per year). Artists signed as an iTunes artist receive discounts on Apple hardware and software. Furthermore, schools and businesses can create a custom Apple Store website where all discounts are included in the prices listed on the custom website. (Apple, 2007)

TV, radio, print, promotional events and items

Apple’s current promotional campaign has been very successful. Promotion requires effective communication and that is exactly what the campaign caters to, with a tablespoon of comedic relief. In radio and TV ads, we see Mac and PC computers portrayed by people. The ad ensues with conversation between the two and simple statements as to why Apple is better and/or more convenient. (Apple, 2007)

Main Media Message

Durable, sleek user-friendly innovative technology. (Apple, 2007) Although Apple may not have always been the first company to market with products, they have surpassed their competitors by improving the design and usability of their products. For example, Rio and Eiger Labs had functional MP3 players on the market long before the iPod was introduced. Apple has remained a leader in the digital music market because of it’s commitment to be a step above the rest, even if they are a step behind. (Boddie, 2005)

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How they align with the 4 P’s

Apple’s Product line ranges from personal and business computers, to hand-held devices such as the iPhone or iPod. For each of these products, the product description has one thing in common: durable, sleek user-friendly innovative technology. With regards to price, Apple is definitely the more expensive option for computers. However, as recent MAC vs. PC adds have confirmed, the out-of-the-box timeframe is much shorter as most all of the programs have been previously installed for you by a Mac Expert/Genius. All Apple products are sold through an actual Apple Store or via the Apple Store website. Up until recently Apple products were exclusive to these two types of locations. Recently, iPods and the newest technology, iPhones can be found at other locations. (Apple, 2007)

Dell – PC ComputerPromotional Activities – On & Off-Line

Unlike the Apple experience, Dell offers sales on their merchandise and regular markdowns as newer products emerge. Their current promotion for fall includes the phrasing “Fall into a Great Deal.” (Dell, 2007) The company runs many promotional codes and activities at one time including free shipping, percent and dollar amounts deducted from prices, multi-purchase offers, etc. Try visiting to see the full listing. (Online Promotional Codes, 2007)

TV, radio, print, promotional events and items

Dell offers a wide variety of products. A key difference between Mac and PC is the combination of items available. For Macs, the desktop is completely integrated as a one-piece working module. PC’s offer a standalone tower separate from the monitor. Upgrades can be done to the monitor without having to sacrifice the whole computer. It works the same way with the tower; digital media cards can be installed when necessary.

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Main Media Message

Business friendly and work orientated. Dell previously catered to individuals and families with their previous marketing campaign of “Dude, get a Dell!” Print and TV ads showed a punky-looking teen convincing a friends parents to allow him to get a Dell; obviously the hippest computer out there. They have since refined their marketing towards a larger more demanding market, business. Now, Dell is making things possible. (Dell, 2007) Unilever, a major producer of products most Americans are familiar with; Dove, Slimfast, Sunlight, Vaseline, etc. The company researched and discovered Dell was the option they needed to convert all major processing machines in the business in a major upgrade and conversion. (Dell, 2007)

How they align with the 4 P’s

Dell and Gateway were in direct competition for the number one spot on the list of top PC sales. As of 2003, Dell gained the lead. (Manufacturer, 2003) Their product offerings are wide and vast. Although, the PC is their main product, they produce and sell many more technologies including printers, camera, TV’s, etc. (Dell, 2007) Pricing will vary with concern to product inclusions and add-ons. Comparable products run at about the same price. Recently, Dell acquired a valuable partnership with Google, the largest search engine available on the Internet. All Dell computers now come with Google toolbar and Google desktop already installed. (Rusu, 2006)

References: (2007) Homepage. Retrieved on September 20, 2007, from

Boddie, J. (August, 2005) Behind Apple’s Strategy: Be Second to Market. Retrieved on September 20, 2007, from

Colorado Technical University Online. (2006) Marketing and the Virtual Marketplace. Phase 1 Course Material. Retrieved on September 20, 2007 from;=39

See also  Easy Holiday Cocktail Recipes (2007) Homepage. Retrieved on September 20, 2007, from

Manufacturer. (April, 2003) Dell Overtakes HP as Leading PC Vender. Retrieved on September 20, 2007, from

Online Promotional Codes. (2007) Dell For Me. Retrieved on September 20, 2007, from

Perreault, W. & McCarthy, J. (2007) Essentials of Marketing. (10th ed.) New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Rusu, A. (2006) Softpedia: Dell’s New Marketing Strategy. Retrieved on September 20, 2007, from
