Ten Items Every College Student Needs

When you attend college there are supplies that you’ll need for each class, but there are also items that you will need no matter which classes you take. This article is meant to equip college students with items that they will actually need.

Ten Items Every College Student Needs #1: Change and Small Bills

It’s always important to have change and small bills on hand. This is an item that every college student will need at one time or another. For example, the cafeteria may be closed and you’re forced to turn to a snack machine for your next meal. Or, as in my case, you may find yourself with a flat tire and need change for the air pump. I was unfortunate enough to only have a hundred dollar bill on me with no change. Don’t get caught in this situation.

Ten Items Every College Student Needs #2: Credit Card

Every college student needs a credit card. You don’t need it to purchase the latest mp3 player or DVD, but you will need it for emergencies. For example, if you car breaks down, you will need a credit card to get it fixed.

Ten Items Every College Student Needs #3: Planner

Every college student needs a planner. A planner is a great way to insure that you get assignments done on time and that you are in the right place at the right time. It can be hard to keep up with classes, assignments, and a work schedule without a planner.

Ten Items Every College Student Needs #4: Computer with Internet Access

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Yes, many college campuses offer free internet service and computers to use. But, there are times when it will be impossible to find a computer to use. That’s why every college student needs a computer with internet access. A laptop is the perfect option because many campuses offer free wireless internet access.

Ten Items Every College Student Needs #5: Small Flash Light

There will be times when you will have to stay on the campus longer than you expected. This may mean that you will have to walk through a dark parking lot. In this case, every college student needs a flash light. That way you can check your car thoroughly before unlocking the door and getting inside.

Ten Items Every College Student Needs #6: Cell Phone

Cell phones are also something that every college student needs. A cell phone is great for emergencies, contacting your instructor, and accessing the internet.

Ten Items Every College Student Needs #7: Highlighters

Highlighters are useful in any class you may have. Highlighters allow college students to quickly highlight sections of text an instructor says is important. Highlighters also make it easy to highlight information while doing research.

Ten Items Every College Student Needs #8: Voice Recorder

Every college student needs a voice recorder. Not only are voice recorders great for taking notes, but a voice recorder can also be used play mp3s, if you buy the right model.

Ten Items Every College Student Needs #9: High Protein Snacks

Sometimes you’ll find that your day is lasting longer than you expected. That’s why it’s a great idea for college students to carry items like beef jerky, nuts, and Power Bars. You’ll be able to snack on these during most classes and stay satisfied until the class is over.

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Ten Items Every College Student Needs #10: Sturdy Backpack with Organizational Pockets

A backpack that is sturdy and has organizational pockets is something that every college student needs. College students will be able to keep up with everything they need, plus carry around their large textbooks with ease.
