How to Make a Dollhouse at Home

Whether you want the dollhouse to give to a special little girl or just for a hobby, building a dollhouse can be tons of fun. To build a dollhouse properly, you will need the right materials and a plan. Building a dollhouse can be quite a bit of work so don’t give up too quickly. In the end, you will have a priceless family heirloom that can be tons of fun for you and your family for generations. Use the directions below to create your very own dollhouse.

When you think about it, building a dollhouse is much like building a regular home starting from the bottom and building your way up. Of course, you won’t need a building permit for this house but it will take some time. Before starting the dollhouse, you must first decide what the purpose of the house will be. Is it going to be for playing or just used as an antique. Deciding this can have a huge impact on the design of your house and what materials you use to construct it.

Just like a real builder, you will need to create your own blueprints. First of all, you will need to determine the scale, the style of the house and it’s shape. The scale is commonly set at 1 1/2, with one inch equaling 1 foot in the real world. When making this scale, consider what size your furniture is going to be and what size dolls you are going to place in the house. You want this house to look as realistic as possible.

The next step is to collect the materials needed to build the dollhouse. If you bough a pre-mad kit, then you can follow the directions, if not, then you will needs supplies such as wood, hand tools, saws, paint, brushes, glue and so on. You will need to cut your wood out from your patterns to create the basic shape of your house. Make sure that all the pieces are cut exactly so that they fit together perfectly.

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The next step is to put the pieces together. They should fit together like a puzzle. Don’t forget to cut out the holes for the doors and windows. Think about the dollhouse like a real house and think of all the things that a real house has and how most are set up. Once you have the doors, walls, and windows complete, your dollhouse will be almost finished.

The last step is to add the finishing touches. Some of these might include wallpaper or painting the walls, tiles or shingles for the roof, light fixtures and all the other things that you see in a home. You can then add your furniture and dolls. You’re done! Making a dollhouse does take time but it can be a very enjoyable project. Whoever ends up with your dollhouse will cherish it forever.