Ten Great Gift Ideas for Your Favorite Poet

Poets, by nature, are not difficult to please. They tend to be the kind of people who look beyond the material gift to the giver. They see not just the gift but the motive and heart of the giver.

There are thousands of closet poets around the world. Use your next gift giving opportunity to affirm their talent as a writer, support their craft, and offer opportunities for them to grow in creativity and skill.

Below are ten inspiring gifts for the poet in your life.

1. Visual Intelligence: How We Create What We See – Donald D. Hoffman

No one understands better than poets that there is an element of intelligence that goes beyond a collection of facts and knowledge. Poets possess the gift of apprehending senses on a higher level. Donald D. Hoffman’s book addresses largely overlooked emotional elements of cognition. Hoffman’s book is a gift that will give your favorite poet some “aha” moments as David explores the workings of those who have the ability to see beyond the Plato’s “forms.

Visual Intelligence: How We Create What We See is available on Amazon starting at $8.99 used. List price is $21.95, but Amazon has it new and used for $15 or less.

2. Creative Storage.

Most poets have reams of paper, notebooks, journals, folders, and scraps of napkins on which they have written words and phrases in their moments of inspiration. Some of their scribblings have been used, others lay dormant awaiting additional inspiration.

Poets generally have stack of notes, but no idea how they will eventually be used. Papers are probably everywhere. They may be tucked out of sight, under the bed in a cardboard box, but they are there. Help your poet preserve moments of inspiration and passion by providing storage solutions that are practical and creative. A storage system not only validates the poets work, but demonstrates your interest in preserving their craft, thereby affirming its value.

A poet will usually not discard words. They have given birth to words and phrases that have a place somewhere in their craft.

There are a number of creative storage gift ideas. One is to provide baskets or heavy canvas file boxes that can be stored on a shelf, and divided by theme. Work can be separated into “published,”” unpublished,” “themes,” and “unknown.”

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Another great storage idea is a variety of colored, stacking metal baskets. The poet can place them on her desk and reach them easily. Stackable baskets offer creative alternatives to stacks of paper with no rhyme or reason. Using a variety of colors will touch the creative flare of the artist on your list.

For the eclectic poet consider unusual alternatives. Paint a plate stand that can be used to sort papers in files. Turn a hanging sweater bag into a storage shelf complete with boxes. Shoe boxes work nicely for this gift.

My favorite storage option is a homemade accordion file. Use expanding file folders to create an eye-catching accordion file. Use gorilla glue, or super glue to attach accordion files. Set them up, using scrap paper or newspapers to hold them open at near maximum capacity. Use a strip of stiff, but thin, cardboard along the sides and bottom of the files to hold them in an open, upright position. Glue the stripes in place, forming a type of frame. Use fun cloth to cover the file.
3. Pens, pencils, and inexpensive journals.

Pens, pencils, and inexpensive journals are among the items poets find themselves buying over and over. Several good pens and mechanical pencils are a poet’s best friend. If your poet writes on the back of business cards and menus, as most do, pick up a handful of journals at the Dollar Store. Put one in every room and a couple in the car.

Poets don’t have to have expensive or fancy journals. They just want something on which to write when the inspirational muse visits.

4. Visually inspiring books and photographs.

When the poetic muse is elusive, even the best of poets need a little inspiration. Help inspire your poet by giving photography books and coffee table books as gifts. Find pictures that capture the essence of our world’s beauty in picture.

A photography or “picture” book makes a great gift. You can often find them on sale for about $12.00 at Borders Bookstores. This is an inexpensive gift that can provide a world of inspiration.

5. Create a chapbook.

Chapbooks are collections of a particular poet’s work. A number of self publishing companies would be happy to create a chapbook for you, for a minimum of $500. You can make a chapbook yourself that will be a gift with much more heart. A personal chapbook will show your appreciation for the poet’s work.

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Find a nice writer’s journal and start cutting and pasting. Make or type copies of poems your poet has written over the years. Paste, or use double sided tape, to hold the poetry in place in a velvet covered, or leather bound journal. You determine how much to spend on the journal. The best part of the gift is your composition of the chapbook.

If you’re working on a stretched budget, print the poets work on heavy, decorative printer paper. Punch binding holes, place a plastic cover on the front and back, and bind with a plastic binder. If you do not have access to a binder, Office Max can align and punch binding holes and sell you the plastic binder for just a few dollars.

A homemade chapbook is an invaluable gift. Bind extra copies to give as gifts to others who support the family poet. The poet himself will benefit from owning a couple of extra copies.

Regardless of how you decide to make it, a personal chapbook will be a surprising and well received gift.

6. The Poet’s Manual and Rhyming Dictionary – Frances Stillman

The Poet’s Manual and Rhyming Dictionary by Frances Stillman is another great gift idea for the poet on your list. The beginning of the book addresses elements of poetry including style and grammar. The second portion of the book is a rhyming dictionary. Although rhyming dictionaries are available online, the book is more portable and can go anywhere the poet goes to write.

7. Casual satchel.

Writers on the go need something in which to carry their journals and rhyming dictionaries. A satchel makes the perfect gift. There is a variety of satchel styles. Let the personality of your poet dictate the style you select.

Old fashioned-styled over the shoulder satchels are trendy these days. They look like they belong on a writer’s shoulder and are a practical gift.

8. Readings.

If you are dealing with a shy poet, they may never have participated in a poetry reading. A gift that will allow you to spend time with your favorite poet, while supporting their art is to take him to a poetry reading.

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Many readings are free. At most there may be a minimal cover charge. Sometimes a well known poet show up in town for a reading, don’t miss it. What an inspiring gift for a burgeoning poet.

Readings need not be professional to be beneficial and inspirational. Your gift will be just as meaningful if you attend a group or class reading with your favorite poet. Demonstrate your confidence in their work by encouraging them to read.

9. Books by Great Poets.

Reading your favorite poets’ work can be an emotional experience. Such readings inspire and teach growing poets more about the art. There is no point at which reading classic poetry is not beneficial. A beautiful leather-bound volume makes an incredible gift. A volume of any type, paper-back, new, or even used honors not only the recipient of your gift, but the art of poetry. This is an incredible way to show your understanding of the importance of poetry in your loved one’s life.

10. Inspirational trip.

Breaking a day-to-day routine is inspiring to any poet. Give the gift of inspiration by planning an inspirational trip for your poet. If your poet is inspired by snow-capped mountains, plan a weekend get-away to the mountains. Inspired by the beach? Plan a getaway to a nearby shore.

The key to a trip being a successful gift is to make it clear that the trip is specifically for peace, quiet, inspiration, and writing. A family vacation doesn’t count, nor does a romantic get-away. Both may be inspiring in their own way, but this gift is to focus solely on the poet and his craft. The serenity of a quiet place and the novelty of a different place may open the flow of words and ideas.

Poets often feel underappreciated and overlooked, even within their own family, or by their own spouse. Gifts associated with their poetic inclinations will be pleasing and encouraging. A special gift associated with poetry may encourage them elevate their talent to the next level.