Ten Essential Landscaping Tools

If you are like me, you love to play in your yard. This is your space. Even though it’s home, it’s also somewhere away. The plants, shrubs, flowers, trees, and gardens outside your house provide a place to get away from it just a few steps outside your door. However, to take care of your landscape it requires time, work, and the right tools. If you are a new homeowner, or you are just taking care of the horticultural appearance of your home, there are certain tools that you will need to get the most from what you have. Here are ten tools that are indispensable to landscaping your home.


The shovel is a basic tool needed if you have any sort of pride in your landscape. It’s hard for anything to be done without being able to dig in the earth. If your needs are outside the realm of trees and large shrubs, a spade will do just as well, but you need something more than a hand trowel.


A good pair of shears will be needed for any kind of shrubbery, especially if you have the sort that grows twisted and overpowering. The new shoots have to be tamed and you can’t do it with a pair of scissors.


This should go without saying, but it is one of the basic tools needed for landscaping. Lawn mowers come in many makes and varieties. The newer one are electric, even newer are the cordless electric, battery powered models. It has been my experience that these will not do. Unless your yard is less than ΒΌ acre and all in the shade, you will need a gasoline powered, traditional mower. The “Green” guys will get all over me for this, but until a battery-powered mower is invented that can stand more than 20 minutes of prime cut-time, they can’t even be considered.

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This is the single most overlooked landscaping tool there is. If you don’t have it and are wondering how to transplant that soil, dirt, seedlings, or other plants, this is your answer. Those that do own one can attest to their utility.

Chain Saw

The chain saw is usually overlooked as well as being overkill for what you have. The Chain saw makes short work of many a job and besides that, it gives you a feeling of power. Get a chainsaw, gas-powered of course, and you will you will thank me for its usefulness.


Pruners, especially ratchet pruners, are completely necessary if you have a large number of trees. At least once a year, they will require pruning if you want your area to look its best. Large trees often develop dead branches and strange growth that doesn’t fit with your needs. Ratchet pruners will fix all that without having to provide a lot of elbow grease.

String Trimmer

Also known as the weed-eater, the string trimmer is indispensable if you have a lot of trimming to do around the house, fences, walkways, or posts. I hate to mention it every time, but you need to get a gasoline powered string trimmer to make sure you have the power necessary for those hardy weeds overtaking your flowers.

Electric Hedge Trimmers

If your shears and pruners are too much effort or not getting the job done, the way to go is with the electric trimmers. This is one device where electricity is ok. Black & Decker has a great model in their TR1600. Try it out in the store, and if it doesn’t look like it will do, go for the gas. Gas-powered trimmers will give you maximum advantage.

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Heart Hoe

This is a specialized tool that cannot be bought just anywhere. A hoe is necessary and the regular sort do just fine, but the heart hoe available from www.hearthoe.com will give you much more utility from the same basic tool. It has been featured in many gardening and landscaping magazines.


This may not be regarded as a tool, but in many locals it is absolutely necessary. Make sure your local ordinances will permit them and make sure you know the times they are permitted because in many places, water shortages restrict their use. I am all against banning sprinklers, especially automatic ones that turn on even when it’s raining, where they are not needed, but in some places you will need them.

With these ten landscaping tools, you should be able to take care of everything in your yard or outside area. What is not mentioned is the compliment of hand tools that will be used. These are your heavy-duties.